Trouble with RVE 64k
I'm using KSP 1.7.3(-force-d3d11) with BG and MH, I installed the version from the Steam betas. Scatterer isn't working properly, nor is Eve, both aren't even recognizing the configs located in Gamedata/RVE. I have tried multiple versions of the mods, all with the same result. I found an update by ItsJustLuci but the link is long dead. All mod versions are the ones specified in the installation instruction. I dont quite understand why this is happening, it seems that I have done something wrong. Am I required to replace the Configs in EVE/Scatterer with the ones from RVE? Thanks in ahead for any reply.
Pc Specs:
(I don't think there should be incompatibilities, my Tower is complete overkill for Ksp(and my wallet), but you never know)
-16gb Ram