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Everything posted by Cerious

  1. Trouble with RVE 64k I'm using KSP 1.7.3(-force-d3d11) with BG and MH, I installed the version from the Steam betas. Scatterer isn't working properly, nor is Eve, both aren't even recognizing the configs located in Gamedata/RVE. I have tried multiple versions of the mods, all with the same result. I found an update by ItsJustLuci but the link is long dead. All mod versions are the ones specified in the installation instruction. I dont quite understand why this is happening, it seems that I have done something wrong. Am I required to replace the Configs in EVE/Scatterer with the ones from RVE? Thanks in ahead for any reply. Pc Specs: (I don't think there should be incompatibilities, my Tower is complete overkill for Ksp(and my wallet), but you never know) -I9-9940x -Rx-6800xt -16gb Ram
  2. All you need is to get the RO-friendly version 1.7x, then install CKAN and install Rasterpropmonitor, KSPWheel, Firespitter(newest avialible versions) and you/re good to go. The extendeable docking port is from SSTU, which doesn't work with the current version, so I have quickly thrown together a recreation. file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/userdata/1125216616/760/remote/220200/screenshots/20210904170308_1.jpg file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/userdata/1125216616/760/remote/220200/screenshots/20210904170341_1.jpg file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/userdata/1125216616/760/remote/220200/screenshots/20210904170332_1.jpg Edit: You need to move the Textures from Spaceshuttle/Textures to a new Folder called Space_shuttle_system inside Gamedata.
  3. Is this mod working with RO 1.10/1.11/1.12? Thanks a lot!
  4. When I was trying to replicate the ISS and its assembly in LEO, I have noticed that the mod "Soviet Spacecraft" by Raidernick doesn't have any soyuz tma/newer versions. Is the spacecraft compatible with RO? Thanks!
  5. Dear Ksp 2 dev team, Im a big fan of Ksp and the great community around it. We all know, the Ksp performance really depends on what you are doing, and ships with a big part count will destroy even the most powerful hardware available at the moment. But Ive got an idea. Could it be possible for people to use a second gpu for physics calculations to assist the cpu? Ive got no idea how this will be possible, but maybe it will be considered as an option. Thank you for making Ksp!
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