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Everything posted by StarExplorerNeptune

  1. do alt+0 and go to texture with the little arrow button. Click city lights and hit "apply" Auroras are not working for me too, i dont know how to fix them
  2. @ItsJustLuciDeleting line 808 did nothing, still looks like the ice age What did bump scale even do? okay I clicked apply to clouds and it no longer looks like the ice age clouds look off look at the clouds near the sunrise zone
  3. This link works @ItsJustLucihttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1lRbAQgHiOHEo2Mu57x_7la1N6mmwZmR_/view?usp=sharing try this
  4. ok, let me get it https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lRbAQgHiOHEo2Mu57x_7la1N6mmwZmR_/view?usp=sharing here is my link @ItsJustLuci
  5. I do not have RSSVE OR RVE64K, Is there a way I could send you my ksp log? Discord is a option. Not only does it look like the ice age, when I turn my camera, I get flickering issues. Previous to this I did have RSSVE, but uninstalled it before installing EVO.
  6. I'm still having this issue, can anyone help me? All of its dependencies are up to date, and I have kopernicus, not kopernicus bleeding edge
  7. Introducing StarExplorerNeptune's TUFX profile! Do you want really good screenshots and really good visual's? Then I recommend my TUFX profile! My recommended mods. For RSS/RO users: EVO(Extreme Visual Overhaul) RO(Realism Overhaul) Katniss' Cape Canaveral Pood's Milky Way Skybox TUFX EVE Scatterrer Planetshine Distant Object Enhancement (note that I did not put down these mod's dependencies) For non-RSS/RO users: AVP(Astronomer's Visual Pack) EVE Scatterrer Parallax EVE Distant Object Enhancement TUFX (note that I did not put down these mod's dependencies.) Screenshots: Screenshot with the camera focused on the craft: More screenshots will be coming! Download: https://github.com/StarExplorerNeptune/StarExplorerNeptune-s-TUFX-profile Let me know if everything is working correct!
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