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Everything posted by JB182

  1. banned for not knowing that 'shuttle' and 'shame' started with 's'
  2. banned for saying 'shame' instead of 'shuttle'
  3. **** kerbal add ****ing kerbals
  4. hey @kerbonautkazoo! welcome!
  5. banned for not saying kerbal
  6. JB182


    hi @USAA! welcome to the forum! and i never see u in SFS Forum.
  7. but when you touch your bed, you always fall asleep i wish to have ksp 2 now
  8. banned for mixing old, pig, and kerbalism
  9. i mean the nuclear reactor USA has landed on the mun (yes, mun)
  10. did you know that chernobyl never xplode? did you know a 1m tall and 1m long asterdoid could cause the whole to be destroyed?
  11. Guns add guns that can shoot and kill Mobile Space Center adds mobile space center blah blah blah kerbal always talking in flight, everytime!
  12. banned for adding a new page
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