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Everything posted by JB182

  1. banned for banning people that dont want to ban himself
  2. i told ya! its gun-a be a loop!! @Max von Kerman
  3. gun-a be a loop! @Max von Kerman
  4. banned for having more than 6 letters in your post.
  5. yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh @Max von Kerman
  6. he's still making and designing new crane! @Stormpilot?
  7. hes piloting a storm @adsii1970?
  8. nope, he last active on 2015! What about @KSPOrbiter?
  9. hes busy doing his thing @Stormpilot
  10. banned for banning a person that become a lawyer
  11. banned for saying Satisfactory is better than Fallout 4
  12. u had 2 at's but no! i ate the soup and ate the bowl! @Gargamel?
  13. banned for banning people for having Fallout 4 and you wanted Fallout 4
  14. this will not be a new page! ik! see... and it merge my reply! when will there be a new page? ik if this gunna merge ik
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