heres the thing
if you were pain attetion to the wiki you would have seen this:"When the physical body of a Gem is seriously injured, they will retreat into their gemstone to regenerate. This is one of the only times Gems can make permanent changes to their physical form."
and this: "The only way to destroy or "kill" a Gem is to destroy their gemstone. However, a shattered gemstone can be put back together. This has been shown in Fragments and Homeworld Bound, when Steven repaired Jasper after he inadvertently shattered her [7], and Yellow Diamond repaired gems who were part of her cluster experiments. They still retain cracks on their gems, and to cure their effects they need to be healed."
so just destorying my body woudnt do anything
wait i almost forgot:
"Gems' humanoid shapes are projections from their gemstone which can be changed at will, described as being "like a hologram, but with mass," with their only constant feature being their gemstone and color scheme"