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Space Kerbalisation Tech

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Posts posted by Space Kerbalisation Tech

  1. So u can use it to get rid of random derbies and wreckage around the kerbal space centre when a rocket explodes or when Jeb tries to land a plane his way (litrobraking with the cockpit)

    How do i walk on Jool?

  2. it depends on the asteroid weight, because according to the asteroid weight, class Es go from 854 tons to 3828 tons.

    you can get about 1000 mammoths and the huge tanks and dock them all with the asteroid, then follow the instructions from the posts above to get it into the desired orbit or just use mechjeb.

    but thats a rubbish and impractical solution and it wont work unless you have a week of spare time and a quantum supercomputer (if you can actually do it like that then u r a ksp pro)


    you could use nuclear pulse engines if u r willing 2 go 4 the modded approach, such as one from the mod 

    which includes isru  (astroids have ore) for the engine so the engine can burn almost infinitely.

    u can also try the epstein drives or the Daedalus engines from 


    These are all high thrust and high efficiency engines for all your astroid moving needs

    (warranty void if used in space, on Kerbin, in ksp or when it explodes. FYI there is no warranty)

    The following would be the most KERBAL solution for the biggest asteroids 

    But if u are just doing stock, then i suggest you leave it in that orbit and use all that time, energy and CPU processing to do something else (like a class A asteroid) instead.

    I hope this helps and if it doesn't, try the debug/cheat menu. ;p

  3. On 5/20/2021 at 2:19 AM, Christo said:

    I've installed Tundra Exploration. 
    - Do u think the real logo Space X could be installed on rockets ?
    - All Ships have (in French) "catégorie de pièces inconnue" : "item category unknown"
    - Starship doesn't have any texture when it is in the launching site
    - How can I follow the first stage to see it landing ?

    Thank you for your help

    download the tundra exploration ro/rss patch (also from the TE forum page somewhere) and get the real spacex textures, move it into the tundra exploration gamedata folder


    try downloading physics range extender, of course i still love you, hullcam, booster guidance and mechjeb to follow and land the first stage. (at least, probably. i have not tried. u can also just quicksave/quickload)



    for the starship texture,  Go to the main menu > Settings > Graphics > Make sure the Reflection Refresh Mode is on.

    u can also use Tantares for the russian segment of the iss and habtech 2 for the american/esa parts

  4. there are quite a few in dev: 

    and tundra will have the starship hls is a few months (not yet downloadable, but in the roadmap)


    I think Raiz Space has done some Artemis HLS models and configs that are very RSS, RO (i have no idea how they would work in stock) that are avaliable his YouTube video links (search youtube for raiz space dylenics lander or national team hls) but im not sure.


    so you'll have to wait some time until u can recreate one.

  5. This is my entire gamedata folder:

    000_ClickThroughBlocker 000_TexturesUnlimited 000ABARISBridgeDoNotDelete 001_ToolbarControl 001_ToolbarControla AI 3 AnimatedDecouplers ASET AtmosphereAutopilot-1 B9PartSwitch Benjee10_MMSEV Benjee10_sharedAssets Benjee10_shuttleOrbiter BFR Bluedog_DB BobsPanicBox BTS CapsuleCorp CapsuleCorp_GREENORIGIN CEDA_ProjectAethon ClickThroughBlocker ClickThroughBlocker-master CommunityCategoryKit CommunityResourcePack ConformalDecals CryoEngines CryoTanks CST-100 Starliner CustomPreLaunchChecks DecouplerShroud DeployableEngines DIRECT_LV DMagicScienceAnimate DockingCamKURS DSSHU DynamicBatteryStorage EasyVesselSwitch ENERGIA EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements FarFutureTechnologies files.txt FMRS FShangarExtender FShangarExtender-master FShangarExtender-master 2 FShangarExtendera Fuji GravityTurn HabTech2 HabTechProps Hephaistos htRobotics IntegratedPhoenixIndustries JNH JSI Kartoffelkuchen KAS KerbalAtomics KerbalJointReinforcement KerbalKonstructs KerbalKonstructs-WaterLaunchSites KerbalLaunchFailure KerbalReusabilityExpansion KertemisProgram-1.1.1 KIS Knes KSC KSPModFileLocalizer.dll KSPWheel LanderCanMk12 Launchers Pack LETech Lionhead_Aerospace_Inc LonesomeRobots LonesomeRobots2 LV-BNTR MarsDirect MechJeb MechJeb2 MechJeb2-dev MechJebAutopilot MEVFusionTek Mk-33 ModPods ModularLaunchPads ModuleManager ModuleManager-License.txt ModuleManager-master 2 ModuleManager-master 3 ModuleManager.4.1.3.dll ModuleManager.4.1.4.dll ModuleManager.Physics ModuleManager.TechTree more flags MrMeeb NAR_MEM NASA_CountDown NearFutureConstruction NearFutureExploration NearFutureLaunchVehicles NearFutureProps NearFuturePropulsion NearFutureSolar NearFutureSpacecraft Nexus OPT_Legacy OPT_Reconfig OrbitalColony OreEngines Orion Pathfinder Pebkac PersistentThrust PlanetaryBaseInc PlanetaryDomes PlumeParty ProceduralFairings ProceduralParts ProjectEOC README.md RealPlume RealPlume-Stock reDIRECT ReentryParticleEffectRenewed RLA_Reborn RSSeaDragon RSSeaDragon 2 seperationHighThrust Shabby ShipEffectsContinued SimpleAdjustableFairings SmokeScreen SOCKrecolored SpaceDust Squad SquadExpansion SRCS SSTU SSTU-NovaPack StationPartsExpansionMetal StationPartsExpansionRedux StockTKS superRTG SystemHeat TacSelfDestruct talisar_parts Tantares TantaresLV TDProps TDProps2 TM4KSP TOKAMAK_INDUSTRIES ToolbarControl ToolbarControl-master ToolbarControl-master 2 TundraExploration TundraTechnologies VaporVent VesselView Waterfall WBIPlayMode.cfg WildBlueIndustries XyphosAerospace XyphosAerospace1 XyphosAerospace2 XyphosAerospace3 XyphosAerospace4


    all of them are mods that i cant play without because almost all of my ships in my favourite save use them.

    some of them are made by myself or edited, and the others were ALL installed on spacedock as i cant get ckan working on my mac. this is why i am stuck on 1.9.1 even though i really want to update to 1.11. i am extremely dependant on mods because ksp dosent feel the same without 10000 parts and 30 mins loading time.

    my module manager has 20k patches WITHOUT RO/RP1/RSS.

    fyi the next time my 1000 part rocket explodes my computer is going to do so too.

  6. there has been several "moar booster" style designs, such as the UR-700

    the "otrag" clustered monstrosity contraption




    one of the most "kerbal" designs is definitely the sea dragon. i mean, what on earth are the engineers trying to launch with this thing? an astroid or artificial moon???


    and this one just is an aircraft designer's nightmare. 



  7. hi bcink,

    love this mod! always a fan of the martian and i'm delighted that i can finally recreate the ares missions. 

    i have some suggestions for you to improve this mod

    1, is it possible that you can add some kind of KIS setup deployable/inflatable hab thing?  because the only thing that it missing from the mission is the hab, which is kinda hard to replicate with stock/mod parts (i have tried pathfinder and planetside but it would be better if there was there was a hab designed/made for ares)

    2,  can you incorporate the hermes spacecraft from "[wip] hermes interplanetry vehicle from the martian continued" because that mod is really old from 2016,  and it would be great to see one in this mod with better textures and parts

    thanks ;p

  8. you should rename it the F.L.A.T capsule (Frisbee Like Alternate space Transport Capsule) since the capsule description says it has a "ulta-flat design" ;p 

    FYI that was a joke but if you want to implement it you could!

    Also, are there any good HII mods that could be used to "realistically" launch the spacecraft.

  9. im not sure there is a flag pack w/ the amazon logo



    i think thats a transparent amazon logo. just copy&paste the link into your browser and press download once the webpage loads. when ur image has been downloaded, move it into the location "user://Kerbal Space Program/GameData/Squad/Flags/"  which in other words is in ur ksp folder, the gamedata subfolder, the squad (or another mod's folder, or u can create your own as long as it has the  capital F "Flags" folder) subsubfolder (is this even a thing?) and then the Flags subsubsubfolder (lol XD).  this procedure is as easy as it can get because as I mentioned before, i do not know of a flag pack with the amazon logo.

    pls note the licence is personal use only.

    i hope this helps :D





  10. i had ran into this problem when i first started playing this game too. i downloaded it from the ksp store, opened the "kerbal space program" folder, right clicked the ksp application, clicked show package contents, and after that, into


    the KSP, which is a unix executable file with a icon that looks like a black square with the letters "exec" on it , when you open it it launches a terminal window and opens ksp. btw it dosent matter if you right click ksp or ksp launcher, both work fine, and the only difference is that KSP launches ksp directly and KSPLauncher (right click ksp launcher, and follow the same process until the file KSPLauncher)

    i am pretty sure this is not the standard solution and pls dont ask me how it works (i found it by trial and error, i am not a computer expert), but  hey, it works for me and this is the way i have been opening ksp ever since ive download ksp two and a half years ago.

    but if u got it on Steam, then i have no idea.

    hope this works.:D

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