yes, the Space-X logo i would expect to come with the mod. but if not, let me know and i can put one together for you.
I'm not 100% sure, but i think "item category unknown" means that the vehicles contain parts you don't have installed. I'd go back and check you have any "required" mods for both. (i personally use Tantares Soyuz pack, and all the craft files say the same because I don't have the "launch bodies" or "probes" mods installed for the)
i don't know what the texture isn't loading. I'd advise you read through/post a question in the mod's thread and see if anyone else has had the same problem.
As for following the first stage, that can be tricky because you'll need to be flying both craft. the simplest i suppose would be to just put a probe core on the booster. but that will leave the 2nd stage unattended (and not firing it's engine). there might be a mod that lets you fly both, but stock KSP will only allow the craft currently "focused" by the player to have any throttle usage. (e.g. if you follow the first stage, the second stage wont fly itself)
i hope at least some of that helps