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Sivako Aerospace

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Everything posted by Sivako Aerospace

  1. For my sea level stage I like using the Vector engine, and for my vacuum stage I like to use either the Terrier or the Rhino depending on the diameter of the stage.
  2. I tried to build and fly a Y-wing fighter/bomber. As I suspected, it flies terribly .
  3. There is a long story to both of those questions, but here is the short version. Sivako is a Na’vi word meaning “rise to the challenge” (a good motto for all things in life I think). When I started playing games on Steam I adopted Sivako as my username. So when I stared using the forums I added Aerospace to the end of my username to make it sound more like a space company. My profile picture is a hybrid between a mark I saw in the Avatar movie and a mandalorian mark I saw on a helmet. I took elements from both then I digitally rendered my profile picture.
  4. Yes, I have. The scan revealed where the ore should be I then used kebnet to make the locations on the map. Most of the large ore deposits are in the oceans it seems. I have checked out the some of the sites that I thought had ore in concentrations above 2.5% at them (they did not), but I don’t really know how to read the scans.
  5. Hi, I am currently trying to find an island on Laythe that has enough ore that you can mine to make more fuel. Everywhere I have tried so far has yielded no results. Any ideas?
  6. I finally have finished up my entire, a light weight, highly maneuverable interceptor known as the SA-5A Kestrel. It is armed with 8x missiles (6x heat seeking and 2x radar), 1x 30mm cannon, and 1x .05 cal. turret. With some minor weapons loadout changes it also can sever in a ground attack role. Let me know what you think. Craft file and more images: KerbalX - SA-5A Kestrel
  7. Umm... I think I broke something.
  8. He is currently on Laythe with the rest of his team. Their mission is to determine the feasibility of a long term colony on Laythe. He will be returning to Kerbin soon…hopefully.
  9. Today I conducted the first launch of my Delta IV Heavy recreation. All went according to plan with the rocket launching to operational altitude. However, because this was a test launch with no payload onboard, I decided not to go into a stable orbit just to keep the debris in orbit to a minimum. I also discovered you can clip a lot of Vector engines into each other and they won't overheat each other. Image gallery of the test launch:
  10. I would say it is all down to which docking port you tend to use on your ships the most. I tend to lean toward the standard size because I find there is more versatility in that size range. Therefore most of my ships have a standard size docking port on them. Hope that helps!
  11. Hello, I am trying to map the control inputs on my T.Flight Hosta X joystick in the settings menu so I can fly my SSTOs more easily. However, when I press apply and accept to save the mapping; it doesn't save and there is no control input response while in the game. Any ideas? Thanks!
  12. Here is one of my Kerbin stations The Orbital VAB. This station is intended to build massive interplanetary and/or interstellar ships (if you have mods that add star systems) that couldn't be launch from the KSC without issues. The image above shows an ion driven interplanetary ship being assembled. Specifications : Crew capacity: 7 (1 pilot, 6 engineers) Note: This don’t include the docked transport shuttle. Launches to build: 3 Docking ports: 8 plus two movable ones at the front. Power source: solar panels
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