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Everything posted by DiomedesDK

  1. Well in the beginning of my career i had a few instances, where i had to dock without RCS or enough battery for SAS. That was quite a challenge (especially when combined with inexperience with docking in general). I do however believe that the most challenging docking i ever did was when my space station was moving around like a boat in high seas. It kinda reminded me of air-to-air refueling in DCS Fortunately i managed to catch it on video :) The challenge
  2. I once made a xenon powered minmus lander for three kerbals and a lot of science. It had such a low TWR that it actually was more controlled crashes than actually landings... I could only go back go orbit when had deployed all my science
  3. What do you change the persistent ID to, so that you dont just move the problem from one vessel to another? Is it enough to just change the last numer in the ID or should you change several?
  4. I am having this same bug!! Been tracking an asteroid on a collision course with Kerbin for about twenty days. Lost the rendezvous here a few days before my burn to intercept it. Hope they will add a fix, so I don't miss my launch window!!
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