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Everything posted by ThE_aMaZInG_pOTatO

  1. Both can look good, but I think checkered white would look better.
  2. Anatoly Zack has an article on it (it is paid thought). The summary is that Orion need more clearance for the solar panels when docking the ESPRIT to gateway (and other modules).
  3. I’ve been busy with school work and lost motivation to continue posting on this thread, as such i will not be posting on this thread anymore (tho my kerbalx will be active and maybe my yt channel). thanks to everyone who read this thread and enjoyed it. goodbye for now.
  4. So uh idk why this is happening, but it thinks that the dlc is a mod (edit: I have narrowed it down to the engine plate, it thinks the engine plate is modded)
  5. Sorry about the lack off posts, I am very busy with school work. Here is what I have been working on in my free time:
  6. Why are booster's plumes on when they haven't been staged?
  7. Necho Module A launch of a new space station module, to finally added a lab.
  8. Osiris EM-7 The Third Khonsu-Osiris Crew Rotation. The Crew Will Oversee The Docking Of A New Module.
  9. MEM-2 (Part 2) For those wondering, MEM stands for moon(s) exploration mission.
  10. Howdy Yall, I am having trouble changing a crafts thumbnail, when I try to change it, and then save, it goes back to the original. Edit: Just Reuploaded instead
  11. Hatshepsut A new, much larger space station module, which will allow for much long stays on the station.
  12. Osiris EM-6 Try #2 With the same crew, and the same mission profile, the only difference is the booster.
  13. Osiris EM-6 (I'm Back) A Khonsu Block 1 capsule will be launch atop a Seth 1 booster, lifting it into orbit. Once in orbit Osiris EM-5 will depart, and EM-6 will dock to Osiris. Crew: Zeluki Kerman - Pilot Phoul Kerman - Engineer Fergan Kerman - Engineer
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