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Everything posted by --Sentinel--

  1. Introduction I created this modpack because I didn't find anything like this. It contains a list of mods for more than 60 thousand patches that will make your computer sweat a lot during a relatively long main download. It is this list that reshapes the ksp to a fairly beautiful and realistic game where you can have fun in the sandbox, or test yourself in a rather difficult career, starting with a small solid-fuel rocket in 1951 and ending with a manned mission to the TRAPPIST-1 system in the distant future. A little story about creation... For a long time I played on the RSS RO build for 1.3.1, which, to my deepest regret, did not support REX and quite a large number of side mods that could not work properly in an unstable system. The Russian-language ksp forum did not have information on how to properly integrate this mod in 1.3.1. Moreover, there was no REX at all for this version. They also could not offer a build with REX running normally on an average PC on new versions, which led me to a sad conclusion: I had to create a new build myself. The new build turned out to be no less unstable, but at least it quenched my thirst for exoplanets and more than well. At least, I'm still continuing to adjust its work. Known bugs: 1) In some cases, your spacecraft may start to rotate spontaneously with low acceleration, even if they do not have a gyroscope or a reactive control system. This is easy to fix, but only for a while, if you just make a quick reboot of the session ( F5 then F9). This problem was encountered in early versions of the modpack, so it's not a fact that it still show itself. 2) Also, in some rare cases, timewarp can cause severe lags, which may be caused by the influence of a separate mod (which I have to discover) In order to protect yourself from this, try to increase the speed gradually. 3) In the tracking station, you will notice that the rays of other stars are shifted, and for all exoplanets except the Proxima system, the illuminated side does not correspond to reality. This is a bug that shows itself only in the tracking station and does not affect the game in any way. 4) Despite the presence of a mod to replace the textures of kerbals with a human skin color, it still remains green, but only for kerbals who participate in the mission. Link to the archive: [Download link removed by moderator, pending resolution of licensing issues] Enjoy :3
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