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Everything posted by Deutschlan_d

  1. Aaaaand no change @Angel-125If you have time would you be able to send a screenshot of your GameData and GameData\WildBlueIndustries folders for your career save? I wonder if there's a mod I'm missing which for some reason is required for the surface scanner and drill to actually work with graviolium. I don't, for example, have Buffalo installed, whereas I'm guessing you probably do. Thanks for all your suggestions on this btw
  2. Just tried it with the bigger drill, still nothing unfortunately https://imgur.com/a/zVBZrkK I'll try again with an asteroid to see what happens
  3. That's interesting - in my game, the stock surface scanner doesn't work for graviolium (even in areas I know contain graviolium because the other scanners confirm it). It works for other resources like Hexagen on both asteroids and planets, but in my game it seems only the narrow-band scanner and survey scanner can actually scan for graviolium: https://imgur.com/a/kiQLvQv The stock drills don't seem to play nice with graviolium either - they won't mine it even if the narrow band says there should be graviolium below me. I have noticed all the areas I've found that contain graviolium on Dres have very low concentrations of the resource - does the concentration have to exceed a certain value to be mineable?
  4. I don't have KFS installed, no. Is it a dependency? I'm unsure what you mean by 'definition for graviolium', sorry! The resource does indeed exist in my instance of the game, if that's what you're asking. Thanks for your fast reply, I'll try to supply any more information you need
  5. Hi, sorry to ask about something that has been touched on before on this thread, but I'm an idiot and can't figure some things out to do with mining graviolium. Firstly, how do you know whether an asteroid contains graviolium? The narrow band scanner can happily scan a body I'm orbiting, but it doesn't work for objects without an SOI as far as I can tell, and the surface scanner doesn't scan for graviolium. Secondly, how do you actually mine graviolium once you've found it? I landed a small test probe on Dres after finding a spot with a small amount of graviolium using the narrow band scanner, but the drill-o-matic doesn't seem to mine the graviolium - it's perfectly content mining the rest of the the ClassicStockResources resources like Hexagen and Rock, but no graviolium. I do have a graviolium tank on the probe, so I don't think it's a matter of there being nowhere to store the graviolium. Thanks
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