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    FTL enthusiast

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  1. Oh, that's actually intended. Jool is very big and thus has a massive gravity well, which means you need to get further away from it to gain speed as compared to something like Kerbin. If it's too slow, physics timewarp works while in FTL.
  2. Yeah, that's not too hard to add. Will include in next update. Altitude limits are just the minimum safe orbit height + 10km on top
  3. Issue should be resolved now (Update v.0.2.2). Not sure when it will be available on CKAN, but the GitHub and Spacedock mirrors are updated.
  4. Thanks! I'll look into it. Also, CKAN usually takes a while to get the newest version for some reason. It's up on Spacedock though! Edit: Interstellar Fuel Switch seems to be the culprit (seemed pretty likely at first too). Time to figure out how to fix it...
  5. Could you tell me what mods you are running? Charge should not be 800, it appears to be some sort of mod compatibility issue, considering such an issue never occured in stock installs. I suspect is happening that the custom resource converter module no longer recognizes the charge resource, as the progress bar seems to no longer represent the fill status.
  6. Oh, I forgot to set it's tags to NRE or something similar so it won't show up while searching. Right now it's where you'd find the engine nacelle by default (aero tab) and called "Drive Nacelle". I'm still working on the part so that's the placeholder for now. Edit: Moved the part to propulsion category in the latest patch
  7. Anyone got an idea on how to cancel a vessel's angular velocity as soon as controls are let go (basically, so that, for example, pitching up increases the pitch angle directly instead of the angular velocity)? I've tried things like vessel.angularMomentum.Zero() and vessel.angularVelocity.Zero(), nothing seems to work though. Closest thing I got was with setting the vessel on and off rails, but that's pretty laggy.
  8. Thanks for reminding me to change the namespace, all the other stuff should already be changed. The PAW idea is also great, I'll add it. Edit: All Done
  9. No Intake Occlusion Simple and tiny mod that removes intake occlusion from all intakes. Having fairings occlude intakes on aircraft builds when the intake is only partially covered is very annoying, so this mod completely removes intake occlusion through both fairings and cargo bays. Download: Github Spacedock CKAN support: soon™ License: MIT
  10. Thanks for the feedback! I'll make the auto-supercruise a toggleable next update (which will release when I sort out all the issues out with the part model, probably within a week)!
  11. (Version: 0.2.3) - This mod is still a big work-in-progress Please post any balancing changes or bugs you find. It would help me a lot to improve this mod. About: This mod adds a unique FTL drive, called the Nexus Realm Explorer (NRE) Drive, which features two distinct modes. The drive is inspired by the Frame Shift Drive from Elite: Dangerous (yes, this is also a reference to NullReferenceException, these occured quite a lot during development) To use your NRE, you must first charge up the drive. The Charge Status is indicated by the progress bar on the top of your screen, which is shown when you start charging it. After that, you have two options: "Supercruise": Functions similar to an Alcubierre drive. Operates in speeds between 30 km/s and 2 c, only works in space and is affected by planet's gravity. Additionally, you can rendezvous with other vessels when in Supercruise (if you are within 300km of them). "Leaping": Allows you to jump to a celestial body (if it is massive enough), while expending a large amount of fuel. Media: Coming Soon™ Download/Source: Github Spacedock Now on CKAN Disclaimer: This is a continuation of a similar mod I stopped working on ~2 years ago. I finally got enough motivation to reboot it, and this new "Attempt" is much more polished, debugged and feature complete. That being said, the Mod is still not complete and still requires some balancing, it's own parts, FX and sounds. These will come in the near future. Credits: @Cyne for annoying motivating me to pick up this project again Changelog: License: All Rights Reserved
  12. Alright I'm back to developing this mod, real life things got in the way a bit
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