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Posts posted by T-Bouw

  1. Well I for one defend/protect my girlfriend and families from each other and themselves in every way.

    If there's an argument, I play the middle man. If one has a bad/wrong oppinion of another, I immediately correct them.

    That way I hope things will stay cool before they have the chance to heat up.

    Sometimes though, situations are beyond my help and I've lost contact with relatives.

    I don't know if your partner already does this, but you'll have to stand up for each other, for whatever minor thing it is.

  2. Another week of lots of work done. Go team!

    I must say though I'm also in the "not sure camp" on the fan-thingie.

    Of course jets have an engine that's much bigger than the actual nozzle, but there's such a things as angled nozzles.

    For the same reason I am still opposed to the offset CG of the jets. A win-win-situation would have been to add the weight of the engine to whatever part it was attached to, like the way heatshields were implemented when they first came out.

    In the end though, I will adapt and build stuff some other way.

    After all, it's hard to please everyone.

    Keep it up Squad!

  3. It's the McDonnell Douglas Model 265, a planned prototype from the '70s that never made production.


    Ah, what a beauty.

    It's a shame many projects like this one get cancelled mostly because of lack of funding...

    edit: Or another competitor was deemed superior.

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