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Posts posted by TheOrbitalMechanic

  1. 10 minutes ago, SciMan said:

    I really don't think the math is what's gonna hold up N-body not being in KSP 2.

    Now why IS it not in KSP 2? I couldn't tell you. But I CAN (and hopefully just have) tell/told you that "math too hard for CPU" is NOT the reason.

    They've already elaborated some about their thoughts on N-body here: 

    The station-keeping concerns are my main issue. I don't care about realism enough to want to have to check in on every single spacecraft I own every other orbit to make sure they're still doing what they're supposed to. KSP 2 is supposed to be a fun game, not a hardcore simulator, and besides, everything is at 1/10th scale anyway, so why draw the line here?

    (Not to mention, if they were to introduce N-body physics, they'd have to overhaul the Jool system as well.)

  2. 12 minutes ago, Ahres said:

    I want to talk more about this possibly being a screenshot. I really hope it is. It's just about everything I want to see when I land on KSP2's Mun for the first time. The only thing missing is some footprints, and they may just be in the shadow. Look at the terrain! 

    The image looks about on par with what we've seen so far of the terrain in videos. I think the chances are decent this is game footage.

  3. 1 hour ago, PDCWolf said:

    I think how much they share is directly related to how much they can actually share, which is directly dictated by how far along they're in the development. This, in turn, is directly related to the confidence level of the current release date. Having had 2 further years to develop the product, they're still sharing more or less the same stuff, this definitely changes our confidence about the release date, at least for the people that read it that way. It is related, I'd say.

    The other option is that, regardless of their confidence level in the release date, they're still just too far out to start sharing a bunch more info. I guess we'll see which one of these it ends up being in the next few months.

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