no, it has to do with the mentality of the US which is throw money at the problem. I can't remember the exact statistic but we spent 10-20 billion dollars every day to fight WW2.
The reasoning being that if you throw enough money at the problem it will go away, this kind of thinking off puts other nations because they don't have the same amount of money the US has.
40k is my 2nd favorite sci fi series I just love the darkness. who ever designed the Maus deserves hero of socialist labor for helping the Soviets ending the war early.but if we want to talk about unstoppable tanks well the Maus cant penetrate this tank anywhere from the front.
not true if you build something like infrastructure or work in a public services(which be government run monopolies anyway). the New Deal, the government provided many jobs
Due to transistor managing fuel-air mixtures in cars, they will not have such a gas mileage. The American car culture would not exist as we know it, perhaps the 1973 oil crisis would kill it.Cars in Europe would be very rare.
The forum where I come from if someone asks a WI we discuss if it is possible or not if the general consensus is that it is then we discuss it effects.WI: Operation Downfall is given the go ahead, Soviets invade Hokkaido effect on the Cold war? as for aliens during WW2
the collapse of the 2nd world was pretty much ensured by 1980. NK and communism have almost parted ways.Even if they didn't NK is more friendly with China which the USSR hates. The only middle eastern country that has a chance of going communist is Afghanistan.depending on if the leader of the USSR is a hardliner or not will determine if there is more cooperation. If there is a hardliner we might see a Soviet-Sino war like Brezhnev wanted`.
They can't invade the mainland even if they did they would be slaughtered. even if they lose at mid way American easily replace the loses. 1 year after midway US still has more carrier then japan does. victory for japan in WW2 is impossible.