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Everything posted by kapkan

  1. for some reason the camera is not working i see only black screen when i Open the camera small window
  2. KSP: 1.12.5 Windows 64bit Problem: the game crash after aprox 1h of playing with two error msg (Fatal error in GC) and sometimes ( Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library) Log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/4q1szgkkqh65y9angttjt/ksp-logs.rar?rlkey=uctvbgxw2w5jyofe9sx9hxzw9&st=uy3nb7nf&dl=0
  3. Ahh ok i didnt know that this is my first time posting here ..thanks a lot
  4. Hi i recently downloded the Tantares mod but when i load a craft file there is missing parts ...any ideas please ???
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