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    Just a French gal talking about rockets
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    Rocket engines, astronautics, space exploration and KSP !

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  1. Thank you Nate ! I'm so excited for the new patch !
  2. Thanks Nate and the team for the update !
  3. KSP2 Version: OS: Windows 10 Professional 64bit CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-core (3.70 GHz) GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT Description of the bug: The jetpack of my kerbals didn't work and also stopped working for one without any reason (all of the monoprop was full). Expected Behavior: Kerbals jetpack working on the Mun during an EVA. Observed Behavior: I landed on the Mun, I had 3 kerbals in the module. I took one out of the capsule to do an EVA and its jetpack worked perfectly. Then I took the other two kerbals out of the capsule and their jetpack didn't work at all. I tried to disable/enable with the R key the jetpack, tried to fly with them but they were not working at all. For my first kerbal who had his jetpack working at the beginning was not working anymore after switching "vehicles". Steps to Replicate: I clicked on the EVA button to put one first kerbal on EVA, I took him out of the capsule and walked him around. His jetpack worked. Then I switched kerbals using the ["] key on my keyboard and did the exact same thing as with the previous kerbal and their jetpack didn't work at all. Fixes / Workarounds (if known..): No A list of ALL mods: No mods Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible.): Screenshots: First picture: first kerbal with jetpack working Second picture: second kerbal with jetpack not working at all Third picture: third kerbal with jetpack not working. Logfiles: https://we.tl/t-BDRSvlSP8i Thank you to the team ! <3
  4. I'm playing at KSP2 right now, omg guys thank you so much for the great work !!
  5. If you want more info about the whole mission since its beginning, a friend discovered this website from ESA ! https://www.eoportal.org/satellite-missions/juice#spacecraft (Yes i love this mission)
  6. Hi everybody ! I'm a mechanical engineering student and I've known the game for a long time but I've been playing KSP1 only since December ! And I do livestreams on KSP1 and 2 on Twitch ! I'm glad to have discovered this great community !
  7. To be that far from the sun is a big limitation but the spacecraft has solar panels with an area of 85 m2 They will generate around 700–900 Watts (source: https://esamultimedia.esa.int/docs/science/Juice-LaunchKit.pdf )
  8. Thank you so much ! More adventures soon
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