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Everything posted by Rubenio

  1. hmm, didn't think of that. I tried a couple of other parts (mk1 lander with fuel tank , OptJ 2.m ISP cockpit with fuel tank and all the water nacelles have the same effect: they no longer surface mount and when you attach to a node, you can't select anything on the ship. I did find a workaround, a regular nacelle actually works! :-) Didn't think it would but that let me continue working on the sub. There might be something in the nacelle cfg files that cause this to happen? is it worth comparing the cfg files between the regular nacelle and the water ones? thanks for looking into this and please let me know if there's anything i can do to help!
  2. So, built my first sub and things were working when in proper Kerbal fashion something went awry. The sub I built used 2 small nacelles to put an engine on each side of the 'boat'. The surface attach feature was working. Now, when i try to edit the sub, in either the SPH or VAB, I can't select any part of the ship. In fact, if i attach a structural element, then i have temporary ability to select a part, but once i mouse over things, it stops recognizing it. It appears almost as if the ship is not there. eg no action when you mouse over. So, i started a new similar ship and all was fine until i tried attaching a nacelle. i could not surface attach and then when i attached it to a node on the ship, the same thing happened... I've also built a fresh install and tried again and noticed the same thing. Not sure what to do here. i saved a copy of the log file if you'd like to see it. i can also send you a copy of the craft file if you'd like. thanks in advance for any suggestions. -R
  3. One other quick note. i think the version in CKAN may have been older because I also had to remove the replaced cfg files in the .../Squad/Parts/Prebuilt folder for the eva suits. Actually, it was a funny result when those were still there as there were 3 copies of the fill/empty actions ;-) You may want to inform users to undo that if they have that issue.
  4. Thanks for the quick reply! So, there were a couple of folders missing, including the RCSblockRV-105 and dockingPortjr folders compared to what I found in SpaceDock. I had installed this via ckan. Uninstalled the ckan version and copied the SpaceDock version into gamedata and all problems solved! Thanks so much again for working on this ;-) I will also check how eva is working now as some of teh suits did have different effects before as well. R
  5. Thanks ColdJ for a great mod! This definitely gives the game a new dimension. I did notice that running v1.12.2.3167 with Breaking Ground and Making History that the two RCS's don't load correctly in the VAB. When filtered by 'water' as suggested, i can see the placeholders for both RCS units, but the graphics are empty and when you try to attach these, there is nothing there. Did I miss something in the config? (I took a screen shot, but couldn't figure out how to attach it here) Thanks for any suggestions, R
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