So, built my first sub and things were working when in proper Kerbal fashion something went awry. The sub I built used 2 small nacelles to put an engine on each side of the 'boat'. The surface attach feature was working. Now, when i try to edit the sub, in either the SPH or VAB, I can't select any part of the ship. In fact, if i attach a structural element, then i have temporary ability to select a part, but once i mouse over things, it stops recognizing it. It appears almost as if the ship is not there. eg no action when you mouse over.
So, i started a new similar ship and all was fine until i tried attaching a nacelle. i could not surface attach and then when i attached it to a node on the ship, the same thing happened...
I've also built a fresh install and tried again and noticed the same thing. Not sure what to do here. i saved a copy of the log file if you'd like to see it. i can also send you a copy of the craft file if you'd like. thanks in advance for any suggestions.