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Everything posted by Kevin_S

  1. Hello everyone. I downloaded IR and IR sequencer mod from these two links: I installed them but the Sequencer doesnt exactly work. the module can be placed in VAB but the mod panel doesnt show up. So I wonder if I did the installation wrong. can anyone please tell me how exactly I should install the two mods? in the same folder inside game data or as two separate mods? Please help me, thanks a lot.
  2. I just installed this mod on version 1.12.2 and it doesnt really work. the IR sequencer part shows up and I can install it, but the mod icon doesnt show up on the left hand side bar and I cant use the sequencer. I am not sure if I installed it correctly, can you please give me some more detailed instructions please? Thx a lot. @Valren_Starlord
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