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Posts posted by 4D4850

  1. 36 minutes ago, AtomicTech said:

    What probes do we have in Orbit around Jool?

    I know Kamerica doesn't have any right now, but a probe transferring to Jool torchship-style could get there fast. Perhaps taking our most powerful rockets and putting a tiny retrofitted asteroid observation probe?

    --Linus Kerman, Chief Intern at KAA (Kamerican Aerospace Agency)

  2. On 2/7/2022 at 7:28 AM, TLTay said:

    They could simulate lagrange points by having a very small SOI at the point location that is only activated when a ship is moving slower than x speed. Getting to the L  point would be a bit gamey due to lack of n-body, but having it only trigger below a certain relative m/s would prevent the SOI from interfering with other missions.

    I do have 1 problem with this, which is that it wouldn't enable ultra-low cost missions using something similar to the ITN, but this is a great idea for people who need to use L1 through L5. And, as an alternative to having it trigger only below a certain velocity, it might be possible to instead have the SOI be relatively large (perhaps the radius of The Mun), but incredibly weak.


    1 hour ago, SSTO Crasher said:

    I am on window so how would I get the file onto drive 

    Also @Akagi the koviets are operating out of the desert airfield so that is going to be hard

    I just opened up Google Drive, got it to the upload file screen, and dragged the zip file from file explorer to the upload file box.

    2 hours ago, Akagi said:

    I don't have DLC, sorry!

    The plane's hypersonic, but absolutely uncontrollable with engines off...

    Perhaps I could get the latitude and longitude of a flat area near the airfield, and then to do the Koviets, you can just cheat the craft to that location?

  4. 14 hours ago, SSTO Crasher said:

    Chapter 1


    “Revolution-1, you are cleared for launch. We will dominate space.” Says mission control. The launch sequence begins.

    “All engines are firing well, acceleration is good.”

    “The engine trust is good” says the pilot

    “Beginning gravity turn, the kommunist domination of space is getting closer and closer” says mission control.

    “boosters separated, throttling up again”.

    A few seconds later

    we’ve crossed the karmin line, shut down the engines”

    ”Fairings deployed”

    “we are approaching our maneuver node. Engage the engines”


    “Dang it we just lost contact, we were on a sup orbital trajectory.” 

    “Revolution one please respond”


    “revolution one is in orbit” says the pilot

    ”stay in orbit and await our orders, prepare your weapons for attack. GLORY TO THE KOVIET UNION!”

    “We will dominate space. GLORY TO THE KOVIET UNION, LONG LIVE THE REVOLUTION!” Says Valentina.

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    Yes for now Val works for the KOVIETs 



    Looks really good! Also, there is actually historical precedent for Valentina to be with the Kommunists (She is named after Valentina Tereshkova, the first and youngest woman in space.)

    13 hours ago, Akagi said:

    The Kommunist bomber FT-21 sits on the launchpad.

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    Liftoff! Engines ignite with a powerful roar as the FT-21 shoots off the runway.

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    Bombs awaaaay!

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    (The bombs are the two white dots)

    Splashed (I missed the island airfield)

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    The Kommunists have triumphed again with a HYPERSONIC bomber!

    Interesting. Perhaps this will be launched from the Dessert Airfield to put the KSC out of commission? Strategically choosing where to bomb the KSC depending on their current plans could really put the Koviets ahead in the Space Kurling Kompetition (That's what I decided to name this Kerbal space race)

  5. In your root KSP Directory, there should be a directory called 'saves'. In that directory, you will find directories with your current saves. Each directory contains a .sfs and .loadmeta file for each save, as well as a Crafts directory. Copy and zip up the directory of the save you want to share, or copy and zip up the crafts directory. 

    Regardless of which you share, I would then (this only works if you have google drive) upload the zip archive you created (in theory, tarballs would also work, but getting them to work on Windows is more difficult. Don't use RAR, as they definitely don't work on Linux, and I don't know if they work on Mac), go to settings, make it so anyone with the link can download, and copy and share the link.


    This is at least what I did.


    Also, my next addition(s) might look less good then my first, this is because I'll be doing them on a computer that can't handle Astronomer's Visual Pack, but can handle Scatterer and EVE

    One more unrelated thing, I'll be justifying the Kamericans vague and possibly incorrect knowledge of Koviet activities through a large community of hobbyist plane and rocket-spotters.

  6. I meant if you open persistent.sfs in [text editor of choice], there is a thing that says 'modded = True'. Perhaps changing it to 'modded = False' would work, and if it doesn't, the space station can just be cheated into orbit. Other than that, I might have to remove all my mods except for visual mods and redo the save file. I'll keep the current images, but I might have to remove 25 or so mods. Once I get to the computer with my KSP install, I'll show my complete mod list, which while not all mods are considered compatible, they all work.

  7. Ok. I have a steam version that autoupdates, which is why I'm on the latest version, so I don't know how to manually upgrade them. Also, I really need to be getting to bed.

  8. I don't know. Maybe we are on different versions? I'm on 1.12.3


    Looking at persistent.sfs, perhaps setting the 'modded' switch to false would work. Or perhaps making a new save and switching in the KAR WARS persistent.sfs, persistent.loadmeta, and craft list for the one in the new save? As a last resort, you could try making a new save, importing the space station launcher craft file, ripping of the launcher, and cheating it into a 150km orbit?

  9. @SSTO CrasherI actually just took screenshots using the in-game method (By default, pressing F1 will save a screenshot to the screenshots folder in the KSP root folder, and pressing F2 will toggle the HUD)

  10. I did not use any part mods, but for other mods I used Mechjeb, KER, AVP, Scatterer, Waterfall Restock effects, and Restock. I have Restock+, but decided against using it.

  11. Backstory

    It is the equivalent of the year 2006. The Kamericans are still in the space race with the Koviets. After Kamerica succeeded in getting to a Kerbal to the Mun, followed by the Koviets getting a Kerbal to Minmus first, they are trying to race to get the first permanent establishment on Duna. The Kamericans have chosen to put a refueling station in Munar Orbit, so ships can refuel.



    Gene: You are go for launch

    Jeb: Ok, activating autopilot


    Jeb: We have liftoff!

    Gene: KSC, are we go for gravity turn?

    KSC: *flurry of go's*

    Gene: Jeb, you are go for gravity turn.


    Walt: These images we're getting will be great for PR!

    KSC: First booster separation confirmed


    Mortimer: This mission will sell so many gift shop items!

    KSC: Core stage detachment confirmed, activating upper stage.


    Gene: How's the gravity turn looking?

    Flight Controller 1: Bit steep... 

    FC1: Apoapsis at 80km, engine shutoff confirmed!


    Autopilot: Karman line passed; Detaching Fairing

    FC2: Ok, circularizing at 80km


    Walt: We've gotten some complaints. Private companies say it will be too hard to reach the station in orbit of The Mun.

    Gene: Jeb, you are not go for TMI, raise orbit to 150 km instead.

    Jeb: Ok, beginning Hohmann Transfer.


    Gene: Ok Jeb, I'll need you to contain your excitement, but we need you to move the service drone to a side port, to make room for more modules.

    Jeb: wheeeEEEEEE


    Gene: Jeb, the drone's a bit out of alignment from the target docking port.

    Bob: Uggh, they should've brought Bill.


    KSC: Service drone docked!

    Gene: Ok guys, let's roll out a module to store monopropellant, the drone only has a limited supply.

    Walt: Not quite as beautiful as we want, but still fine.






    There is the start of the LKO Refueling station (By the Kamericans)



    Personalities of the groups

    I envisioned the Kamericans as taking everything seriously, but also being a fair sport, admitting defeat when the Koviets got to Minmus


    I envisioned the Koviets as being much more laid back, but if they need to get stuff done, they are not above sabotage and space dogfights


    I envisioned the private companies as being opportunistic, but also whining when they don't get their way.

  12. @SSTO CrasherQuestion: Can we use mods? Because I have like 30 of them. If so, I'll create an initial save people can add to.

    If not, I'll still create an initial save for people to add to, but without using any mods if possible.

  13. This does sound like it belongs in the forum games section, rather than challenges and mission ideas, but if instead it's a collaborative save, that would be cool (say, person A gets the save and does stuff, then gives it to person B who does more stuff).

  14. Just now, Lisias said:

    Not without risking taking this kind of crap.

    Even by being legal (what's currently under dispute - and I want to emphasise the company suing the modders), it theoretically violates Forum ToS and, so, you are prone to have the thread deleted (or even your account locked) at any time by rules violation. And I will ignore the necessary competence and skills needed to diagnosing problems correctly - something very important when you aim to fix problems without creating new ones.

    Some problems are buried deep on the KSP guts, and it's unlikely that one could work around these bugs without access (and changes) on private methods (violating the Forum ToS) and without decompiling the binaries into source code (violating the Forum ToS and the game EULA - and, perhaps the Law).

    As the situation stands, any effort following this line of research may be tolerated or even silently endorsed by the current Administrators and Managers, but people come and go on Companies and any change of personal can gave you headaches later - the kind of headache a professional on the field does not want to have. I surely don't.

    What is left is the Clean Room Reverse Engineering (the approach I took on KSP-Recall), but instead of having someone decompiling code for me (what can be a source of problems) and writing specifications, I do tests and more tests (we call this Black Box Testing) on many APIs and manually crafted Craft Files and Savegames trying to infer such specifications - but this is time expensive. And having less than competent people injecting noise all the time on the public discussions about the problems hinders even more the efforts of the (very few) people really wanting to do any help here.

    Ok. That's unfortunate.

  15. On 1/10/2022 at 12:34 PM, Lisias said:

    IMHO, Private Division should spend a little more money with at least one good developer to tackle down the worst problems on the bug track

    I get that the answer to this is probably no, but would it be possible for the community to create a patch for the game to fix major bugs, sorta like the Skyrim community patch?

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