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  1. just delete scatterer in your gamedata folder, then go to this https://spacedock.info/mod/141/scatterer#changelog and find scatterer version 0.0772 and download it, then put it in your game data and you should be done
  2. Make sure to switch the default config too So scatterer 0.0772 + scatterer default config 0.0772
  3. hmm might just wait until gameslinx update beyond home.
  4. wait forgot to mention, i use avp for opm so neidon looks close to avp jool edit : i think gas giants with avp uses this texture https://imgur.com/a/Og6Vyr7 sarnus and urlum uses that texture too if you are using avp for opm
  5. go to page 69, find the dude getting green neidon, you can see with scatterer 0.08, it makes neidon green and with scatterer 0.07 its perfectly fine https://imgur.com/a/noUBW1r
  6. hmm going into jool atmosphere is a little bit weird, i tried it before and it makes the clouds texture buggy (just when you entered jool clouds, if you go out its perfectly fine again) i dont know why but scatterer 0.08 seems to messed up mods, i tried scatterer 0.08 with opm mod+avp, neidon is green lol (should be dark blue)
  7. oh my, kerbin atmosphere is gone wait have you installed the scatterer "default config" version 0.0772?
  8. try reverting scatterer to 0.07, it fixes the issue edit : https://imgur.com/a/hYImUru i tested it with scatterer 0.07
  9. do you mean the skybox? i decided to use beyond home skybox because it looks cool and after a few days, decided to change back to avp skybox also the screenshot is like 2-3 weeks ago
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