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  1. The planet's equilibrium temperature is around 360 K (87 °C; 188 °F), making it too hot to be habitable. Small, hot and far... And what benefit can this "great" discovery bring to us?
  2. Yeah I know it. I just replied to Shpaget that we are trying to get there. Nobody knows about terms. I was talking about our goal. Of course I see and know that this article is not a reliable source.
  3. Here is the article where I've got an information about it's cheapness and limitless https://theprint.in/environment/clean-cheap-and-limitless-how-fusion-power-can-meet-10-of-the-worlds-energy-needs/583259/
  4. Ok maybe I made some mistakes in my computings. But in any case, all values are approximate. And the main message of my comment is that it is absolutely not profitable. Such a system simply does not have sufficient reliability and potential. In other words, it is too complicated, expensive and impractical. If you do not agree with me, I will be glad to hear your point of view on this matter.
  5. The idea is interesting, but not promising. The main reason is energy costs. I will explain. An ordinary household hair dryer consumes approximately 0.375 watts for 15 minutes of operation. High-power hair dryer (construction) - about twice as much. For efficient operation, there must be at least 20 nozzles under the bottom of the machine. We get about 17 watts for 15 minutes of work. In order to clean a street 2 km long, it will take about 1.5 hours and we get about 102 watts. For an hour and a half of work. Now imagine that such a system works for several hours every day. And there are dozens of such cars. Plus, there are technical problems (a high temperature under the bottom will contribute to overheating of the vehicle. Sprinkling salt or other chemicals on the snow is much more profitable, easier and cheaper.
  6. One of your arguments is that diamonds burn "cleanly" (let's not forget that CO 2 is also a pollutant). Burning natural gas only emits CO 2 and H 2 O, so it is a much better alternative when pollution is considered.
  7. I wonder how this will affect the energy industry in general... I mean the French reactor. After all, if all the predictions come true, then in 2025 we will get a new unlimited source of energy. Have they thought about how this will affect the global economy?
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