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  1. Got as close as 19km to docking with something in orbit. Teaching myself is taking a while lol i keep pushing my orbit to atmospheric levels when moving closer to it.
  2. Hopefully not that might just stretch out the waiting period. I do hope the youtubers (we all know who) get early access to either get videos ready for launch day or just pull tons of viewers. I could see that pulling in a ton of hype and would be pretty fun to watch.
  3. We just need to find that time warp button lol i tried to pry for info or a hint at maybe a beta but that got shot down pretty quick on twitter o well
  4. You think there will be sats that will allow for a kind of missile warning systems when playing online in case your friends are constantly bombing you with yeeted rockets lol. Absolutely looking forward to all the shenanigans
  5. For sure will be, just want to check a few more boxes on the console one. Made it to the mun and back with a decent amount of spare deltav so definitely getting better. Tomorrow i’ll work on minmus and back or docking.
  6. Have a lot of weird things happening on the ps5 version. lol should of stuck with ps4 one or try out pc
  7. Diving back into ksp1 it is. I didn’t know until now that they made a ps5 version so thats a pretty cool thing to walk into lol. I’ll flip to the pc version after this ksp binge.
  8. I do have a pc now though to and will be using both for ksp2
  9. I really only made it past a couple milestones on the original ksp on console; A couple mun landings and one time only had to put a runber band and time warp run a kerbal for 10 hours to meet up with the previous crew. Landed on minmus and somehow got a flyby of eeloo once but couldn’t recreate it. Never able to get back from any of those but still i was happy with the progress. After all that the ksp2 news came and i stopped and thought it would be smart to learn more on ksp2. The release date is still kind of up in the air but i really want to play some ksp lol should i jump into ksp1 again (i play science mode) or wait out the dev period of ksp2?
  10. Way to optimistic, but a pc release on july 4th would be perfect lol nothing like lighting some fireworks on the 4th (sorry jeb). Then console q4 to work out the any big kinks before they onboard those
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