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  1. Introduction A set of 3.75m parts that mimic the 3.75m parts that come with MKS, using kitbashed models from SSPX. Also comes with a patch that adds combined storage for all components needed to manufacture Specialized Parts and Material Kits to SSPX cargo containers to help cut down on part count. Requirements Modular Kolonization System (MKS) and Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux. Shoey's Tweaks for MKS is recommended as it contains several other tweaks to make the two more friendly with each other. Parts Added 3.75m 'NER' Agriculture Module ...Agriculture Support Module ...Akademy ...Assembly Plant ...Kerbitat ...Kolonization Module ...Medbay ...Nuclear Processor ...Pioneer & Logistics Module ...Recycling Plant ...Refinery ...Regolith Sifter Installation Simply download the zip from SpaceDock and merge GameData folders. Download Spacedock License: GPLv3
  2. That's probably it, I was using the FFT scoop.
  3. Does anyone have any advice for harvesting LqdHe3 with FFT? I tried using the exosphere scoop in orbit of JNSQ Mun with 0.814% LqdHe3 but couldn't get anything.
  4. Is resource refining/manufacturing supposed to work in the background? It doesn't seem to be working for me.
  5. I was getting this issue too. I switched it over to the Blizzy toolbar and it doesn't seem to happen there.
  6. If I can make a suggestion, making it so that when EC/supplies run out it'll recheck the vessel to see if there are any present then update the counter would be great. As it stands you kind of just have to give long term vessels (bases/stations/etc) a lot of excess supply storage or switch to them frequently. Something that would probably be simpler but equally helpful (albeit usable for cheating) is just a debug option to make EC and supplies last indefinitely on a given vessel, that way you can still have to be constrained by life support on short term craft but can set aside your bases for months/years at a time.
  7. Introduction MKS is great fun. This is a collection of patches and tweaks to bring other mods inline with MKS and vice versa as well as just making it more fun (at least in my opinion). Requirements Modular Kolonization System (MKS) is the only hard requirement. Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux and Cryogenic Engines are suggested. Changes Added side nodes to 2.5 and 3.75m SSPXr cargo containers. Changed SSPXr Minerva Deep Space Control Module (5m station core) to mimic the 3.75m Pioneer + Logistics module. Changed SSPXr Harbour Station Control Center (3.75m station core) to mimic the 2.5m Pioneer + Logistics module. Changed SSPXr PPD-F412M Hydroponics Module, PXL-R4NCH-3R Hydroponics Module, and PYV-G2 Villa Cultivation Dome to mimic the 2.5m Agriculture Module. Changed SSPXr PYV-4 Demeter Cultivation Module to mimic the 3.75m Agriculture Module. Changed SSPXr Aquaculture to support 7 kerbals. Added methods to produce Transport Credits with LqdHydrogen and LqdMethane. Changed all fuel tanks to act as planetary warehouses. Installation Simply download the zip from SpaceDock, merge GameData folders, and configure as you like or leave as is. Download Spacedock License: GPLv3
  8. Just realized I never thanked ya. Thanks, it's been good fun playing with this in JNSQ+MKS. I like tweaking stuff for realism over gameplay so I might make some tweaks and share them eventually, but still. Great fun.
  9. Thanks! I've got a pretty solid grip on most of it from the ingame help pages and the couple bases/stations I've set up but I'll take a look at that anyways.
  10. That is what I thought, but its not working that way for me. I've used the automated Atlas harvester and one of the automated drills but they'd just cap out on water and not push it into planetary logistics. I am expecting it to push from containers on the same craft marked as planetary warehouses. Does it by pass that requirement and push without any containers and I just missed it?
  11. I'm having an issue that might just be me misunderstanding mechanics. How are unmanned mining craft and pushing resources to planetary logistics supposed to work? I've got a few Atlas harvesters set up to harvest water but I can't get them to push it into planetary logistics without having a manned logistics center in the same craft.
  12. Gotcha, gotcha. I'm curious, though. What's it based off of or is it mostly a self consistency thing? Always like talking about this stuff cause it's a good learning opportunity.
  13. Sweet, thanks. While I have your attention I did write a patch to add LqdDeuterium (mainly for Far Future Tech fusion reactors/engines) to the same refining option. I based it off of the percentage of water that is deuterium by mass. OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = LqdDeuterium Ratio = 0.0003458128 FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW DumpExcess = True } if you want to add it you can just copy it from my patch. Don't have to, of course, just thought to mention it.
  14. This is probably intentional for balance purposes but I feel like I should mention it anyways. Hydrolox refining uses 1.8kg of water per 0.18kg of fuel. Some mass loss makes sense from impurities. refining, etc but 90%... doesn't feel right. Is it based off of something or just balance?
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