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KSP2 Release Notes
Everything posted by spaded1
Can you please add a way to change arrival time function/formula? When using it, it shows arrival time of 2256 Days..... Possibly because my ship is not normal and the algo used to calculate time is not able to handle it
I have an issue here @linuxgurugamer when using this mod and I put one experiment storage container and set it to "collect all" and also have the setting "remove duplicates" on, it starts showing green text like its transferring the science, then orange text (too fast for me to read) and then after its all done, there are no expierments in the storage container, and none in my cockpit. Although when landing, they still are there, and ship manifest shows them there in the cockpit. Also, when I select "remove duplicates" i get considerably less science (I run an auto science mod to auto do the science for each new biome) so a simple orbit around kerbin without "remove duplicates" gave me 1700 science, and with "remove duplicates" i only had 135 science. Can you explain what I'm doing wrong here?
Ok, I've been playing this game for years now, like.... over 5000 hours in game, across many laptops over the years. Loading times have always SUCKED, especially with more and more mods. I could never understand why or how to improve. I'd go from a 2,000 dollar gaming laptop to 45 min loading times, to a $5000 gaming laptop 3 years later and still have 45 min loading times!!! Finally, I got a $8,000 laptop - thinking, this HAS to be the best for speed as its literally the best on the market I can buy..... Nope, still 45 mins. So I started digging, researching, understanding, testing.... and heres what I've learned and how to do it: First what did I look into: In game settings Graphics drivers 3rd party nvida apps to improve performance windows settings for gaming installing completely on RAM disk - unusable but slight improvement in loading times (1-10 mins) (I have 32gm RAM and with all my mods ny pc would crash since I needed 25gb of ram just to run KSP and the remaining RAM couldn't run other background services, so I doubt anyone here will have more luck unless their mod size is lower) forcing openGL Preventing FPS limiting After all of this, here is what I found to be the most effective and what I'm doing now, if the stuff above isn't included its because they sucked, or didn't work. Don't open KSP from steam, or the KSP.exe in the folder structure. Delete the shortcut from your desktop to make it very easy not to screw up. Go to your steam KSP folder, and find the launcher.exe, open this, and use this for now on to load the game everytime. Don't load via ckan "launch button". Click on settings in the launcher then make sure your anti aliasing is disabled - your CPU/GPU is better than this 20 year old version of AA frame limit is 180 do NOT use full screen 1/8th or 1/4th texture loading and can keep on "beautiful" Click Advanced and disable logging, and then force fake fullscreen mode (idk why this helps but this changes everything). Install RivaTuner (its safe, and it lets you stop the internal limits KSP sets on FPS, which is the bottleneck for loading time. Just add the ksp_64.exe on rivatuner and use these settings https://gyazo.com/a766e2b2cc6032fc4b8cca54042e2c4d With RivaTuner installed, I can reach up to 450 FPS on the loading screen. Press launch on the launcher.exe and then close it once KSP opens. EDIT: EVEN BETTER PERFORMANCE!!!!!!!! 12. Click settings, remove force fullscreen from step 8, set to the LOWEST resolution possible, for me its like 1000x800 (around there, just spam down until it can't go lower). 13. Close the game window that pops up (since for some reason if you open launcher.exe it will also open KSP.exe, using the old settings, so close that, you may have to force it via alt f4 and windows force close to save time), then once thats forced closed, go back to the launcher and press play again, now, the window will be extremely small with the new settings and you'll get FPS like below. FPS rates at lowest resolution get up to 850+ FPS Confirm everytime before launching that the texture is back to 1/4th or 1/8th because sometimes if I close ksp and reopen the launchers settings are all saved except it has my textures set back to full res, same for the resolution. Hope this helps - someone please post their time differences once saved. Oh btw, these changes with no mods on my PC KSP completely loads within 30 seconds to main menu
Can you help me out with my syntax? How do I take the random values you have in GAP rewards like rewardFunds = Random(2, 5) and then multiply that by 100? Your code: rewardFunds = Random(2, 5) My Code: @rewardFunds *= 100 // ERROR CANNOT DO MATH OPERATION, MOD VALUE ="100" ORIGINAL VALUE ="RANDOM(2,5)" So my code looks like this: @CONTRACT_TYPE[*]:HAS[#rewardFunds,!#advanceFunds]:FINAL { %addedCost = 100 @addedCost *= #$rewardFunds$ @rewardFunds = #$addedCost$ } Is this right? How come for very basic contracts, like science around the KSC - the rewards are only like 3,000, even though my code below should make it like 300,000 @Contracts[*]:HAS[@Funds[*]]:FINAL { @Funds { @BaseReward *= 100 @BaseAdvance *= 70 } } @Contracts[*]:HAS[@Funds[*]]:FINAL { @Funds { @BaseReward *= 100 @BaseAdvance *= 70 } } And finally, how do I access all @Contracts[*] without the Funds Module, to multiply the rewards, but not double multiple if it has @Funds modules. Hence the code above with two changes, if HAS funds and just ALL
This is my new code with some other changes - although not sure if its going to work, waiting 30 mins for KSP to load..... @CONTRACT_TYPE[*]:HAS[@PARAMETER[*]:HAS[#rewardFunds[*]]]:FINAL { @rewardFunds *= 200 } @CONTRACT_TYPE[*]:HAS[*:HAS[#advanceFunds[*]]]:FINAL { @advanceFunds *= -69 } @CONTRACT_TYPE[*]:HAS[#rewardFunds[*],#advanceFunds[*]] { @rewardFunds *= 200 @advanceFunds *= 100 } @CONTRACT_TYPE[*]:HAS[#rewardFunds&#advanceFunds]:FINAL { @rewardFunds *= 200 @advanceFunds *= 100 } @CONTRACT_TYPE[*]:FINAL { @rewardFunds *= 200 } @Contracts[*]:HAS[@Funds[*]]:FINAL { @Funds { @BaseReward *= 70 @BaseAdvance *= 70 } @BaseReward *= 70 @BaseAdvance *= 70 } @PART[*]:FINAL { @cost *= 150.0 } @RESOURCE_DEFINITION[*]:FINAL { @unitCost *= 150.0 } @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { Asteroid { name = PreciousMetals Locations { Nearby { Body { body = Duna probability = 75 reached = false } } Flyby { Body { body = Kerbin minDuration = 60 maxDuration = 90 probability = 66 reached = false } } Around { Body { body = Minmua minAltitude = 18133960 maxAltitude = 20606775 probability = 13 reached = false } } } interval = 15 maxUntrackedLifetime = 20 minUntrackedLifetime = 20 probability = 55 spawnGroupMinLimit = 3 spawnGroupMaxLimit = 8 %resourceAmount = 0 Size { key = 0 0 key = 0.3 0.25 key = 0.7 0.45 key = 1 0.7 @resourceAmount = key } RESOURCE { name = ExoticMinerals amount = resourceAmount * 500 maxAmount = resourceAmount * 5000 } } } You can see why I have so many cases for rewardFunds, here is a GAP conrtact.cfg and look at how it handles rewardFunds - how would you modify this? // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // CONTRACT: KSRGAP05-CommercialFlights3 - Trans Kerbin Airlines - Trans Kerbin Airlines - Passenger flights to Open bases // Author: Caerfinon // Credits: // { // Original GAP: Author - inigma // Original Kerbin side GAP: Author - Keniamin // expression requirements: from from "Field Research" - Author - nightingale // } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRACT_TYPE { //CONTRACT DESCRIPTION sortKey = KSRGAP05-CommercialFlights3 name = KSRGAP05-CommercialFlights3 title = TKA Flight @KSRGAP:siteFlightNum3.ElementAt(@/fltLocationSelection) - KSC to @KSRGAP:siteFullName.ElementAt(@/fltLocationSelection) genericTitle = Passenger flights to Open bases group = Trans Kerbin Airlines Prime agent = Trans Kerbin Airlines description = Trans Kerbin Airlines is proud to offer air transportation service to @KSRGAP:siteFullName.ElementAt(@/fltLocationSelection) for KSC staff and visitors. &br;&br;Fly out @/numPassengers passengers to @KSRGAP:siteName.ElementAt(@/fltLocationSelection), wait 30 seconds to disembark and embark passengers at the terminal, take off and return back to KSC. genericDescription = Fly passengers a to their destination airport and then make a return flight to the KSC synopsis = Fly passengers to an airport that Trans Kerbin Airlines has existing landing rights at. completedMessage = Flight Completed!&br;&br;Pretzels and Soda served: @/numSnacks&br;Air sickness bags used: @/numAirSickness&br;&br;Trans Kerbin Airlines thanks you for flying and reminds you the sky is no longer the limit. notes = @KSRGAP:siteNotes.ElementAt(@/fltLocationSelection) //Contract Limits maxCompletions = 0 maxSimultaneous = 1 autoAccept = false declinable = true cancellable = true minExpiry = 1.0 maxExpiry = 1.0 deadline = 0 //Contract Reward Modifiers prestige = Trivial targetBody = Kerbin //Contract Rewards rewardFunds = (3000000 + @KSRGAP:siteFltDistance.ElementAt(@/fltLocationSelection) + (200 * @/numPassengers )) * Random(1.0, 1.15) advanceFunds = (@/rewardFunds * 0.25 ) rewardReputation = 1.0 rewardScience = 1.0 //Contract Penalties failureFunds = (@/rewardFunds * 1.15) * Random(1.0, 1.25) failureReputation = 10 + ( @/numPassengers) // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACT TO APPEAR // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // Requires that Flight progress in persistent storage be a value between 0 and x (depending on mods installed) REQUIREMENT { name = CompleteContract type = CompleteContract title = KAA Certification contractType = KSRGAP01-LetsStartAnAirline minCount = 1 } REQUIREMENT { name = Expression type = Expression title = Flight Progess must have started expression = $ksrgapFlightProgress >= 0 } // requires MK3 passenger REQUIREMENT { name = PartUnlocked type = PartUnlocked part = mk3CrewCabin } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- //DATA NODES TO PROCESS FOR CONTRACT USE // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Pick a destination of open airports based on Flight Progression DATA { type = int fltLocationSelection = Random(0, $ksrgapFlightProgress) hidden = true } // //Contract Specific VesselParameterGroup Definition Key (to prevent conflict with other active contracts) DATA { type = string craft = "KSRGAPCommercialFlights" + @KSRGAP:siteFlightNum3.ElementAt(@/fltLocationSelection) // insure it is unique so only one flight to one airport at a time uniquenessCheck = GROUP_ACTIVE hidden = true } //List of Possible ATC genders DATA { type = List<string> ATCGender = ["M" ,"F"] hidden = true } // Merge random gender to Group siteATC type to select dialog image DATA { type = string site1ATCImage = @KSRGAP:siteATC.ElementAt(0) + @/ATCGender.Random() hidden = true } DATA { type = string site2ATCImage = @KSRGAP:siteATC.ElementAt(@/fltLocationSelection) + @/ATCGender.Random() hidden = true } //Passenger Data DATA { type = int numPassengers = Random(12, 80) } //Snacks DATA { type = double numSnacks = Round(@numPassengers * 1.05) numAirSickness = Round(Random( 0 , @numPassengers / 6)) } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- //BEHAVIOURS TO DO WHEN CREATING CONTRACT // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // BEHAVIOUR { name = SpawnPassengers type = SpawnPassengers count = @/numPassengers kerbalType = Tourist removePassengers = true } // Eliminate craft on contract failure to prevent tourist spam in Astronaut Complex BEHAVIOUR { name = DestroyVessel type = DestroyVessel onState = CONTRACT_FAILED vessel = @/craft } BEHAVIOUR { name = WaypointGenerator type = WaypointGenerator WAYPOINT { name = KSC Runway icon = ContractPacks/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/Assets/Icons/Airport latitude = @KSRGAP:kscRunwayLAT longitude = @KSRGAP:kscRunwayLON altitude = 0 } WAYPOINT { name = the Air Terminal icon = ContractPacks/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/Assets/Icons/terminal altitude = 0 latitude = @KSRGAP:kscTerminalLAT longitude = @KSRGAP:kscTerminalLON parameter = RequestLandingLaunch } WAYPOINT { name = @KSRGAP:siteName.ElementAt(@/fltLocationSelection) icon = ContractPacks/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/Assets/Icons/Airport altitude = 0 latitude = @KSRGAP:siteLAT.ElementAt(@/fltLocationSelection) longitude = @KSRGAP:siteLON.ElementAt(@/fltLocationSelection) } WAYPOINT { name = the Air Terminal icon = ContractPacks/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/Assets/Icons/terminal altitude = 0 latitude = @KSRGAP:siteVikTerminalLAT.ElementAt(@/fltLocationSelection) longitude = @KSRGAP:siteVikTerminalLON.ElementAt(@/fltLocationSelection) parameter = RequestLandingSite2 } } // Mission Dialog boxes BEHAVIOUR { name = DialogBox type = DialogBox DIALOG_BOX { condition = PARAMETER_COMPLETED parameter = RequestTakeoffLaunch position = CENTER TEXT { text = Trans Flight, you are cleared for depature and immediate take off. Fly safe. fontSize = 20 textColor = #BADA55 } IMAGE { url = ContractPacks/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/Assets/Characters/@/site1ATCImage characterName = KSC Air Traffic Control } } DIALOG_BOX { condition = PARAMETER_COMPLETED parameter = RequestLandingSite2 position = CENTER TEXT { text = Trans Flight, we have you on approach. You are cleared for landing. On touchdown proceed to the indicated airport terminal. Directions have been transmited to you. fontSize = 20 textColor = #BADA55 } IMAGE { url = ContractPacks/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/Assets/Characters/@/site2ATCImage characterName = Local Air Traffic Control } } DIALOG_BOX { condition = PARAMETER_COMPLETED parameter = RequestTakeoffSite2 position = CENTER TEXT { text = Trans Flight, you are cleared for departure. Please proceed to the runway for immediate takeoff fontSize = 20 textColor = #BADA55 } IMAGE { url = ContractPacks/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/Assets/Characters/@/site2ATCImage characterName = Local Air Traffic Control } } DIALOG_BOX { condition = PARAMETER_COMPLETED parameter = RequestLandingLaunch position = CENTER TEXT { text = Trans Flight, we have you on approach. You are cleared for landing. On touchdown proceed to the indicated airport terminal. Directions have been transmited to you. Welcome back. textColor = #BADA55 } IMAGE { url = ContractPacks/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/Assets/Characters/@/site1ATCImage characterName = KSC Air Traffic Control } } // failed misssion dialog DIALOG_BOX { condition = CONTRACT_FAILED position = CENTER title = <b>Sometimes Things Go Wrong</b> titleColor = #B00B1E TEXT { text = Trans Flight, Are you there? please respond. Trans Flight, weve lost you on radar, do you copy? Are you declaring an emergency?.... and you were doing so well. fontSize = 20 textColor = #B00B1E } IMAGE { url = ContractPacks/KerbinSideRemasteredGAP/Assets/Characters/@/site1ATCImage characterName = Air Traffic Control } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- //PARAMETERS FOR CONTRACT COMPLETION // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // //Craft definition PARAMETER { name = Initialization type = VesselParameterGroup title = Your aircraft must meet all requirements define = @/craft completeInSequence = true dissassociateVesselsOnContractFailure = false PARAMETER { name = HasCrew type = HasCrew title = have two certified pilots trait = Pilot minCrew = 2 disableOnStateChange = false hideChildren = true } PARAMETER { name = HasCrew type = HasCrew title = have a flight engineer trait = Engineer minCrew = 1 disableOnStateChange = false hideChildren = true } PARAMETER { name = PartValidation type = PartValidation title = have wings category = Aero disableOnStateChange = false hideChildren = true } PARAMETER { name = HasCrewCapacity type = HasCrewCapacity title = have seating for passengers and crew minCapacity = @/numPassengers + 3 disableOnStateChange = false } //Passenger Manifest - Load Passengers PARAMETER { name = HasPassengers type = HasPassengers title = load all @/numPassengers passengers count = @/numPassengers hideChildren = true } } //Launch Site PARAMETER { name = LaunchSite type = VesselParameterGroup title = begin at the KSC Runway vessel = @/craft completeInSequence = true disableOnStateChange = true hideVesselName = true PARAMETER { name = VisitWaypoint type = VisitWaypoint index = 0 distance = 1600 hideOnCompletion = false completeInSequence = true disableOnStateChange = false hideChildren = true } } PARAMETER { name = RequestTakeoffLaunch type = Duration duration = 5s preWaitText = request clearance for takeoff: waitingText = requesting clearance for takeoff: completionText = be cleared for takeoff completeInSequence = true disableOnStateChange = true } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Trip to Site2 // ----------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER { name = RequestLandingSite2 type = VesselParameterGroup vessel = @/craft completeInSequence = true disableOnStateChange = true hideChildren = true hidden = true PARAMETER { name = VisitWaypoint type = VisitWaypoint index = 2 distance = 19000 hideOnCompletion = true completeInSequence = true disableOnStateChange = false hideChildren = true hidden = true } } PARAMETER { name = LandingSite2 type = VesselParameterGroup title = complete flight to @KSRGAP:siteFullName.ElementAt(@/fltLocationSelection) vessel = @/craft disableOnStateChange = true hideVesselName = true completeInSequence = true PARAMETER { name = ReachState type = ReachState title = land at @KSRGAP:siteName.ElementAt(@/fltLocationSelection) runway notes = land and move to within 50 meters of the terminal targetBody = Kerbin situation = LANDED maxSpeed = 0.0 disableOnStateChange = false hideChildren = true } PARAMETER { name = Site2Terminal type = VisitWaypoint title = then taxi to the terminal and stop index = 3 distance = 50 horizontalDistance = 50 showMessages = true disableOnStateChange = false } PARAMETER { name = TerminalrampSite2 type = Duration duration = 10s preWaitText = wait for terminal ramp: waitingText = ramp being positioned: completionText = ramp is in place begin deplaning completeInSequence = true disableOnStateChange = false } } PARAMETER { name = All type = All title = complete passenger exchange disableOnStateChange = true completeInSequence = true PARAMETER { name = ReachState type = ReachState situation = LANDED maxSpeed = 0.0 disableOnStateChange = false hideChildren = true hidden = true completeInSequence = true } PARAMETER { name = Duration type = Duration duration = 30s preWaitText = wait to exchange passengers for: waitingText = exchanging passengers now: completionText = all passengers exchanged! startCriteria = PARAMETER_COMPLETION parameter = LandingSite2 } } PARAMETER { name = RequestTakeoffSite2 type = Duration duration = 5s preWaitText = request clearance for takeoff: waitingText = requesting clearance for takeoff: completionText = be cleared for takeoff completeInSequence = true disableOnStateChange = true } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Retun Trip to KSC // ----------------------------------------------------------------- PARAMETER { name = RequestLandingLaunch type = VesselParameterGroup vessel = @/craft completeInSequence = true disableOnStateChange = true hideChildren = true hidden = true PARAMETER { name = VisitWaypoint type = VisitWaypoint index = 0 distance = 19000 hideOnCompletion = true completeInSequence = true disableOnStateChange = false hideChildren = true hidden = true } } PARAMETER { name = LandingSite type = VesselParameterGroup title = return to the KSC notes = land and move to within 50 meters of the terminal vessel = @/craft disableOnStateChange = true completeInSequence = true hideVesselName = true PARAMETER { name = KSCTerminal type = VisitWaypoint title = taxi to the terminal index = 1 distance = 50 horizontalDistance = 50 showMessages = true disableOnStateChange = false } PARAMETER { name = ReachState type = ReachState title = your arcraft must be parked targetBody = Kerbin situation = LANDED maxSpeed = 0.0 disableOnStateChange = false hideChildren = true } PARAMETER { name = TerminalrampKSC type = Duration duration = 10s preWaitText = wait for terminal ramp: waitingText = ramp being positioned: completionText = ramp is in place begin deplaning completeInSequence = true disableOnStateChange = false } } PARAMETER { name = All type = All title = safely completeInSequence = true disableOnStateChange = true PARAMETER { name = VesselNotDestroyed type = VesselNotDestroyed title = without destroying your aircraft vessel = @/craft } PARAMETER { name = KerbalDeaths type = KerbalDeaths title = or killing anyone vessel = @/craft } } //Recovery Parameter - Recover Kerbals PARAMETER { name = RecoverKerbal type = RecoverKerbal title = and recover all @/numPassengers passengers completeInSequence = true hideChildren = true } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // END OF CONTRACT // ----------------------------------------------------------------- }
I'm working on a MM config that does some simple things; 1. Increases cost of parts and resources, to match real world prices. Falcon 9 type rocket should be around 50-100mil 2. Increase rewards from contracts - BEYOND the 1000% in the settings. Basically, if rewardFunds then multiple that by 200 so that a satellite/rescue mission gives 100m+ in funding 3. Add an asteroid with special Exotic Minerals that can be mined and sent back to Kerbin for profit to pay for other things. Below is my code, I have around 200+ errors, and none of the contracts seem to be increased in funding. The reason I have CONTRACT and CONTRACT_TYPE and other filters, because different mods will have something like Contract_type -> parameter -> rewardFunds. So I have to access multiple layers to get to the reward funds value. Can someone please tell me what syntax mistakes I'm making here and why this isn't making contracts worth 200x more? (it works for parts and resources) @CONTRACT_TYPE:HAS[@PARAMETER[#rewardFunds[*]]]:FINAL { @rewardFunds *= 200 } @CONTRACT_TYPE:HAS[*[#rewardFunds[*]]]:FINAL { @rewardFunds *= 69 } @CONTRACT_TYPE:HAS[#rewardFunds[*],#advanceFunds[*]] { @rewardFunds *= 200 @advanceFunds *= 100 } @CONTRACT_TYPE[#rewardFunds&#advanceFunds]:FINAL { @rewardFunds *= 200 @advanceFunds *= 100 } @CONTRACT_TYPE:HAS[#rewardFunds]:FINAL { @rewardFunds *= 200 } @Contracts[*]:HAS[*[Funds]]:FINAL { @Funds { @BaseReward *= 70 @BaseAdvance *= 70 } @BaseReward *= 70 @BaseAdvance *= 70 } @PART[*]:FINAL { @cost *= 150.0 } @RESOURCE_DEFINITION[*]:FINAL { @unitCost *= 150.0 } @Kopernicus:AFTER[Kopernicus] { Asteroid { name = PreciousMetals Locations { Nearby { Body { body = Duna probability = 75 reached = false } } Flyby { Body { body = Kerbin minDuration = 60 maxDuration = 90 probability = 66 reached = false } } Around { Body { body = Minmua minAltitude = 18133960 maxAltitude = 20606775 probability = 13 reached = false } } } interval = 15 maxUntrackedLifetime = 20 minUntrackedLifetime = 20 probability = 55 spawnGroupMinLimit = 3 spawnGroupMaxLimit = 8 %resourceAmount = 0 Size { key = 0 0 key = 0.3 0.25 key = 0.7 0.45 key = 1 0.7 @resourceAmount = key } RESOURCE { name = ExoticMinerals amount = resourceAmount * 500 maxAmount = resourceAmount * 5000 } } }
The Great Unofficial Module Manager Help Thread!
spaded1 replied to SkyFall2489's topic in KSP1 Mods Discussions
Hey guys I'm trying to make a mod to make the cost of everything more real. So falcon 9 should cost 100mil to fly. Satellite contracts should pay 25mil not 25k. Extracting ore and landing should reward with millions in dollars. Here is my code - but the contracts don't seem to reflect the changes at all.... Can anyone help me out? ``` @CONTRACT_TYPE[*]:HAS[@rewardFunds]:FINAL { cash= $rewardFunds @rewardFunds = 200*cash } @Contracts:HAS[@Funds]:FINAL { cash= $rewardFunds @rewardFunds = 70*cash @Funds { @BaseReward *= 70 @BaseAdvance *= 70 } @BaseReward *= 70 @BaseAdvance *= 70 } @Contracts:HAS[*,@Funds]:FINAL { cash= $rewardFunds @rewardFunds = 200*cash @Funds { @BaseReward *= 70 @BaseAdvance *= 70 } @BaseReward *= 70 @BaseAdvance *= 70 } @PART[*] { @cost *= 150.0 } @RESOURCE_DEFINITION[*] { @unitCost *= 150.0 }- 48 replies
- module manager
- modulemanager
(and 3 more)
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Hey guys I'm trying to make a mod to make the cost of everything more real. So falcon 9 should cost 100mil to fly. Satellite contracts should pay 25mil not 25k. Extracting ore and landing should reward with millions in dollars. Here is my code - but the contracts don't seem to reflect the changes at all.... Can anyone help me out? ``` @CONTRACT_TYPE[*]:HAS[@rewardFunds]:FINAL { cash= $rewardFunds @rewardFunds = 200*cash } @Contracts:HAS[@Funds]:FINAL { cash= $rewardFunds @rewardFunds = 70*cash @Funds { @BaseReward *= 70 @BaseAdvance *= 70 } @BaseReward *= 70 @BaseAdvance *= 70 } @Contracts:HAS[*,@Funds]:FINAL { cash= $rewardFunds @rewardFunds = 200*cash @Funds { @BaseReward *= 70 @BaseAdvance *= 70 } @BaseReward *= 70 @BaseAdvance *= 70 } @PART[*] { @cost *= 150.0 } @RESOURCE_DEFINITION[*] { @unitCost *= 150.0 } ```
[1.12.x] Parallax - PBR Terrain and Surface Objects [2.0.8]
spaded1 replied to Gameslinx's topic in KSP1 Mod Releases
https://imgur.com/a/GhvZ4M7 I have parallax and scatterer and distance enhancement mods. My pc is top line, like very expensive and it can run any other games. So im assuming some texture is broken somewhere? This only happens randomly, so itll start fine, an hour later its permanently like this and won't revert back to normal planets. I've reinstalled parallax, verified game files, reinstalled scatterer and textures unlimited.... Any ideas whats up?- 3,176 replies
https://imgur.com/a/GhvZ4M7 I have parallax and scatterer and distance enhancement mods. My pc is top line, like very expensive and it can run any other games. So im assuming some texture is broken somewhere? This only happens randomly, so itll start fine, an hour later its permanently like this and won't revert back to normal planets. I've reinstalled parallax, verified game files, reinstalled scatterer and textures unlimited.... Any ideas whats up?
I'm trying to remove the cost of electricity and make uranium (plus others not common fuels) extremely expensive so I can mine it and send it back to earth to recover. in MM, I'm struggling to do this Can you tell me why my syntax is wrong @RESOURCE_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#cost[*]] { %addedCost = 999.0 %entCost = 999.0 @cost *= #$addedCost$ @entryCost *= #$entCost$ } @CONTRACT_TYPE[*]:HAS[#rewardFunds] { @rewardFunds *= 15000 @BaseAdvance = @rewardFunds*0.515 } @PART[*]:HAS[#category[Electrical],#cost[*]] { %addedCost = 0.0 %entCost = 20.0 @cost = 0 @entryCost *= #$entCost$ } @PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[LiquidFuel],!RESOURCE[Oxidizer]]:AFTER[InterstellarFuelSwitch] { // Remove temporary variables to eliminate log spam !totalCap = 0 !onlyLH2 = 0 !cryoPower = 0 } @RESOURCE_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#unitCost] { @unitCost *= 200 } @RESOURCE_DEFINITION[*]:HAS[#unitCost,#name[ElectricCharge]] { @unitCost = 1.5 @unitCost *= 200 } @RESOURCE_DEFINITION[Electricity]:HAS[#unitCost]:FINAL { @unitCost = 0 } @RESOURCE[Electricity] { @unitCost = 0 } @PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[*]]:FINAL { @RESOURCE[Electricity] { @unitCost = 5.0 } } @Contracts:HAS[@Funds]:FINAL { @Funds { @BaseReward *= 900 @BaseAdvance *= 900 } }