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Sarah Lafayette

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Everything posted by Sarah Lafayette

  1. Can you homeswitch inside of the same save? eg., launch from different planets in different systems ?
  2. The mod is currently in 1.12.2 on CKAN. Will it be updated to 1.12.3? Works in 1.12.3 (changed the version in the version file to be safe, not sure if that's necessary. )
  3. I'm having an Issue with collecting science landed at the tundra. (Just a note that I did delete the files in contract config as recommended in the post before running this mission a second time) - all of this is after doing that. The craft using is controlled by a probe with a scientist on-board to reset modules. - this is because every science collection is listed twice so I wanted to reset and collect twice. I've landed and collected all the science and had everything on the checklist show green except for the top 'Collect Science' header that everything else is under. I've tried a number of things to make it work. Collecting all science and collecting it in a module, then collecting it again and letting it sit in modules before recovering. doing the same and recovering the kerbal and craft separately. Transmitting all the data, then recovering the craft with two additional copies of the data inside. Then again separate from the kerbal. Collecting the kerbal, returning to the ksc, and then recovery the craft. I also reran the entire mission afterwards using only a pilot, no probe core, and collecting science only once. the in flight mission screen still displayed as below from start to finish. I appreciate that the failure cost is the same as the advance, but I was hoping for the money. lol. I do really enjoy these type of contracts. The screenshot of the mission in the mission control center here was taken after recovering the kerbal second. After recovering just the craft the experiment sections were showing complete while everything else was incomplete. For funsies/extra info I'm including my (rather short) list of installed mods
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