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Everything posted by Ryaja

  1. You can update the mods, but the thread is an open bulletin. If one side or the other has full control of the thread that defeats the purpose.
  2. Ok, thx. Probably would be a good idea to put together a guide somewhere on the forums.
  3. I think it's his choice too. It's just... Annoying where is the link to the method?
  4. Sad to see talent go to waste like this. We're to a point where it's acceptable to accuse others of being outright evil with no benefit of the doubt. People are fine with Soviet spacecraft created by an ideology that killed millions and apollo craft made by literal pedants. Just sad to see people have been set on a target without thought.
  5. It's very annoying that the benefit of the doubt has been all but thrown out in discourse. Nothing common about common sense I guess lol.
  6. Nah, but I decided to come back. @AlamoVampire?
  7. Ryaja

    Shower thoughts

    Cats probably have diffraction spikes in their vision when their pupils are small, as they are slits.
  8. I fell backwards off a log and broke my radius and ulna in my wrist. Less than a week before school too.
  9. You called? Twice? Well yes. @Vanamonde
  10. Appears I'm a bit late huh? @Kerb24
  11. I understand. Based on what is currently released it seems like this guy has issues and did this himself. A few things, 1 you don't go for the head in an orchestrated attack to get support for yourself, 2 especially not with a semi auto(bolt actions are more accurate and typically have higher bullet velocity) 3 yes both side will try and use this to their advantage, though the side this was done agianst will have a large advantage.
  12. (Your edit has a typo) But yes. I agree I was wrong about the bystander part. We'll need to prepare for a bumpy ride.
  13. You don't shoot a bystander(actually you do) and yourself in the face for a false flag...
  14. One of the major candidates in my country(trying to stay unpolitical while talking here) had an assassin try and kill him. Tough times were in. Hopefully this doesn't escalate.
  15. I was testing out the circle to search / translate on my phone and it's getting scary good. The text is just off in size.
  16. Inches and feet are better than metric, pretty much nothing else is(I love base 12)
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