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Posts posted by Stephensan

  1. 14 minutes ago, Lisias said:


    KSP2 is failing on delivery content to be used, KSP¹ is failing on loading fast the content it's already delivered. Both are problems, no doubt.

    However, Steam Charts is telling me that the lesser of he two evils is still KSP¹:


    Right now, 2024-0519T22:22Z, there're 2286 concurrent KSP¹ players on Steam, while KSP2 is bittering at 340.

    This means that a lot of people is willing to wait to load KSP¹ to play with the content it already have, and very few are willing to play KSP2 right now besides loading pretty fast the few content it have at this point.

    Make no mistake - if KSP 1.13 would be launched with lighting fast loading times (without alienating the mods), you can bet your mouse it will be a huge success. But loading fast content no one wants to play is... slightly less appealing.

    This just reminded me a nice song I enjoyed in the past (as well the movie, by the way):

      Reveal hidden contents


    Going to nowhere fast is still going to nowhere.



    POV, now hear me out

    • when game launches poorly almost nothing runs on it, it gets mass hate due to the "game being unplayable and nothing that we was promised"
    • perception of it being as bad since launch still looms in the air when it has had a lot of fixing and is in state that would be considered a "playable state"
    • nearly 1000+ bugs have been fixed to make it to a almost complete playable state besides a few large bugs, and smaller bugs
    • FS! came out and gave users a near parity of science of another game but in its own game form
    • Communication is slow, development cycle slowed down compared to last year and no new bug updates since the last one just nearly after FS!
    • Players start to leave due to no bug updates nor content update, and the communication slowly going to a suffocation silence
    • the company that is paying for devs does a warn on the same state and location saying 70 people will lose there jobs (same amount from IG)
    • no communication ahem from the ig TO THIS DAY STILL ZERO COMMUNICATION  either due to being on a gag order, or not having information
    • Game gets massive downvoted tell people to run away due to game being canceled 



    • Returning KSP 1 players that played ksp 1 before ksp 2/ksp 1 players that just play ksp 1 never played ksp 2 and (i told you so) it..


    crazy that its low.


    almost as if one had a rocky start and the other one is 10~ years old

  2. its not about worth not for me at all. its about experinece of the game as a whole, modded, unmodded, it's about long term playing if the game crashes or misbehaves, even if we gave the game crashing 4 times in one day, its anywhere between 28 minutes to 80 minutes of waiting just for the game to load.. Its a matter of at what point does waiting for a game turn into a chore waiting for the game itself to be ready even on high end hardware for new users, even it its 4 minutes its 16 minutes

    i doubt if anyone had to wait 20 minutes to turn on a car, unlock there phone screen, turn on their computer, use any electronics at all, it would be acceptable, even if we crunch it down to 7 minutes. (talking about the car one is different between actually warming up the car vs turning on the car)..

    the old ksp 1 players will always (this includes me with the old) heck just older users for gaming in general will never see an issue for loading times cause we are acclimated, since that is what we dealt with, but new players will try play ksp

    we dealt with IDE harddrives all the way to m.2 ssd's and computer parts that was flagship 10 year ago is now beyond below budget range parts. or even cpu's Intel Core i7-4790K, even a R5-3600 is double the performance of the CPU, and that CPU is getting considered bottom barrel new "beginner budget pc" status.

    the older gamers will never ever see issues for loading times, but newer gamers will, the die hards will always play ksp 1 regardless of loading times, i have stopped due to wanting something better.

    Just now, Lisias said:

    How about waiting 12 months for having Science?

    291 days.. 9 months 18~ days.. not 365 days, 12 months.

  3. 2 minutes ago, hendrack said:

    I am not boasting. 7 minutes is arguably better than 20 minutes that the poor soul I have quoted waits for his game to start. KSP1 with mods is what it is. No point arguing over that. :confused:

    im not arguing but even 7 minutes is extremely long for a game to load, i remember those loading times and it just made me close the game most of the time, i was on a timer to play video games at home so it was a pain to ask parents to load up ksp 2 on my laptop that isn't counted as my "gaming time" cause they lock and put asleep the PC after 10 minutes cause i would take my laptop to play ksp 1 more, or need for speed carbon.

  4. 24 minutes ago, hendrack said:

    my KSP is ready in 7 minutes

    that is honestly 6 minutes and 30 seconds too many at best, with max optimizations.

    33 minutes ago, hendrack said:

    That's still much and its a pity

    And that is without restarts, any crash requires a restart, or random weird ksp 1 shenanigans that requires restarts depending on rng a entire gaming session can be like half an hour of just waiting for the game to LOAD to the game, let along loading times for rocket(s). i don't even need to compare it to ksp 2.


    7 minutes is enough for water to boil to make instant (insert most foods) or even a cup of coffee with a 1500w electric kettle.


    I'm over ksp 1 load times tbh and if ksp 2 is completely done never to get updated, ksp franchise will fizzler out of my life, a majority childhood playing this game was riddled with loading times for both launching the game and launching crafts due to having a "sub optional" laptop/school computer.. 2024 is here and ksp 1 is trying to be boasted of 7~ minutes load times with much higher end systems with mods just to "be the best ksp 1" there is.....

    Feel sorry for most people that just glance at the issue of load times, reminds me of the fights about SSD vs HDD and "load times don't matter" when it first came out.

  5. 4 hours ago, PDCWolf said:

    Ask them where Argentina is on a map, ask them what 7723/22.7 is, ask them what's the length of the pushrods on a Mercedes OM611 engine is. You'll quickly realize that decimal maths, geography and car mechanics are "niches" by the bogus, nitpicky measure you use and consistently keep changing.

    Gee, and why would a game lose FPS as you add more saves when you only ever use one? oh yeah, because it's built like garbage. But hey, it's early access so it gets a free pass because maybe, someday, some magical group of developers will pick up this cancelled garbage and fix it. And why does nobody want to mod it? Surely not because it's a good platform with established modding standards and an official API.

    Every game should just never hit 1.0 by the sort of "arguments" I'm reading, that way you can do no wrong even if you ship a unity asset flip prototype because there's the hope for it to be magically fixed before the heat death of the universe.

    "One of the smartest communities".

    i haven't seen a single other user actually show that they lose fps when there is more campaign saves besides me, unless you can provide evidence that proves otherwise without adjusting any hardware settings.. i have been asking around for others to test it and they don't see a difference.. its strange that only one user seeing this issue is a problem and even QA team(s) cannot see/find the same issue.. for me keep it clean until there is more evidence shown... the only thing that the bug report shows that EVERYONE universally has is a longer "hang" time when loading all the saves.

    i doubt most people have 7.65gb or nearly 15,000 files (and at the time i reported the bug around 7.5k~) in the campaign page.. since day ONE of ksp 2 being out for the public.


    • Quote

      And why does nobody want to mod it?


    Easy, the game was pushed out a year to early and the state from 0.1.0 was appalling to 99.9999999% of the gaming community, most if not all ksp 1 modders wrote a post (lost into the forums as of now trying to find it) saying they will not be modding the game until they get official modding API support AND the game is post 1.0, or out of early access. A complete 180 from ksp 1, just simply due to the release of early access and the state it was "in"..


    People that try to compare ksp 1 to 2 is missing the point that even during the early stages of ksp 1 there was modding support and everyone cared for it, even if the game was "janky" at times, that's why there is still a LOT of ways to make "kraken" drives. comparing ksp 1 vs 2, almost all of them "well i can just mod it the way i want" for ksp 1, ksp 2 doesn't get such a luxury that ksp 1, it is expected for ksp 2 to be full complete out of EA with modding API support before old ksp 1 modders will even attempt (even then some still say no) to start modding ksp 2, as if that stopped them modding ksp 1..(narcissistic tone) a little unfair when ksp 2 has come along way from the state of ksp 2 0.1.0 to 0.2.1 a full year and over 1000+ bugs fixed, with some visuals, and a milestone during that time when... Due to it was promised that it will have it.....Now with a running start of negative hate and a near permanent looming hate around it due to how fast development/communication is. Yes there is mods for ksp 2 , but most are QOL features, just like early days of ksp 1 with some adding new parts, money, size of planets, and entire gameplay reworks for science....

    If you read almost everything in discord since day one, watch everything from ksp 2 for information from streams to youtubers, its easy to conclude that ksp 2 team wasn't ready to push out the game in the state it came out last year but more so forced to, "what about the videos they state that they couldn't stop playing and its so much fun" when a company pays tens of thousands to hundred of thousands of dollars in marketing they want the game sound the absolute best and heck was even possible it wasn't suppose to come out in this state, almost as if the videos was produced before the game was completed due to a large company is behind it.. The community didn't want the game out until it was ready, but you really would know who wanted ksp 2 be out? T2, they see that the project has been in there hands for 2-3~ years and hasn't produced a solid game, yeah you CAN make a game that can/could rack up a lot of code/tech debt quite easily, but takes time to make a game, but that is something that ksp 2 was forced to launch in, a state of where most of the code/intresting things that been "promised" needed to be ripped out just so they had a core game that people could "play"..  if you looked at LinkedIn back in 2022~ ish there was only like 45-30 members working on ksp 2, even if every single one of those is a engineer/coding, doing a game in 2-3 years is just simply not possible in the state it was in, even if there is/was assets before t2 made IG and "deleted" star theory, you can look at the videos and stuff that there was a shift of how ksp 2 should be, and could see that ksp 2 before IG was just going to be ksp 1+ visual upgrades and no DLC's.. that's it, IG changed it to something much larger, and much more interesting, and the greed of a public company with stocks greed took over. even if the star theory team "is/was" IG..

    it really doesn't matter what i say, peoples views are different.

    i just really wonder how the game would have been if they waited a year. i doubt the team would have been fired right now, and if someone didn't know zero development from 2023 and past, would probably think its a game to stick, but one way or another ksp 2 was released in the state it was, if it was either from t2 wanting the game pushed out for money or IG ambition.


    Im just as frustrated that development, communication and games release is slow hard and rocky, but it didn't stop me from playing for 1200 hours before science.


    anyway enough gaslighting onto me, so i prove my views onto someone else. drink water, stay hydrated, and best of all, more water is more hydration.

  6. 12 minutes ago, PDCWolf said:
    • Can you build 1000+ parts vessels without the game falling apart?
    • Can you have a save with hundreds of active flights without grinding the FPS to a halt?
    • Can you add graphical mods without the performance dropping further?
    • Can you have dozens of mods loaded without the game exploding?
    • Can you even have multiple saves without breaking the game?
    • Can you dock 2 docking ports at the same time? Because maybe they didn't even fix that in 14 months.
    • most of the time
    • not really but from what ksp 2 team has said the crafts need everything active for resources, and improvements have been made but is still WIP, still in EA.
    • only if there was actual modders to actively mod the game  from ksp 1 so we could have visual mods (almost no one wants to mod ksp 2)
    • with how limited ksp 2 mods are, yes you can pretty much mod it with all current version mods you can do that, nearly instantly. and little to no issues besides 1-2 mods that are poorly made.
    • I'm up to 84 different saves working, just lower fps for some reason
    • known bug. besides the other over 1,000 bugs that was fixed in one year alone, some are lower priority

    ain't reading the rest, just adding input.

  7. Well, its worth a shot at least, with the most recent news I have been thinking of actual realistic ways microtransactions could be implemented without directly harming the game with some suggested prices to go along with it..

    Also aswell even if they say "no microtransactions" it seems that they need if it if there is rumors that the game is going to be cut, or we will lose developers... As of right now we don't know the situation for ksp 2 and the team..

    "unethical" or not if stuff is "cheap" some people will find a use of some things useful while others don't if there was a unethical way to monetize it instead of just being free QOL the game might be better for income..

    (problem is t2 launched the game in EA when it was a YEAR away from being anything useful, pretty much destroying the reputation of the game)..



    1. Custom Kerbal Creator / Custom Director Kerbal   -   5-10$ USD
      This is a highly requested feature for ksp 2, being able to create customer kerbals, i think if the feature was free it would allow a certain amount of cosmetics but the paid would allow all cosmetics in ksp 2.
      Custom Director Kerbal, could be a pfp a kerbal that is "the director (which is you btw)" that would be able to interact more "kerbal friendly" compared to just the characters talking to the "screen", this could also be used as PfP for saves or in multiplayer settings you could use your custom director to be the pfp instead of either a custom photo or your steam pfp. This could be a little high, but i think the amount of work that is required to get it running and then making sure it works on multiplayer/ (if) there is more cosmetics it would allow "People to create kerbals of there own imagine"
    2. Custom Flag Implementation   -   3-5$ USD
      Quite a few people request this to be a main in-game FEATURE, there is a mod that does this however the mod misbehaves a lot and does the stock flag instead of the custom one, They can be extremely high detailed flags I think they could make it a microtransaction that is cheap enough that almost anyone could buy it but it would not affect the users if they didn't have it, A Few CC's and a lot users could want such a thing in game. I think this shouldn't controlled in the sense of company censoring what photos are and are not allowed. In multiplayer it should be the owner of the server or local server that should be able to "remove" the offending flags and have an outright option to ban users from uploading and using Custom Flags.. Users can have as many as they want and can be limited on multiplayer if the owner so chooses.
      This will also include adding "parts" to add large flags that wrap around crafts in many sizes, or just straight huge flags that could be lit up by lights, and stock ksp 2 flags can use this for free.
    3. Hex Color Editor   -   3-5$ USD
      Cheap easy mod that adds Hex color fine control to the game (Unethical) in my mind and should be free, however using Spicats Suggestion if all UI updates was approved i don't see why this couldn't be a paid feature its cheap at relative cost and would make users VERY happy, while also not breaking the bank,
    4. Supporter Pack #1   -   15-25$ USD
      This would include a "Music Bouns" of 1 additional song for each situation,  planet, and ambient noise, The music is one of the key notes that i have found and have seen many others saying its "very good" for the game.
      This would include a "Banner Around PfP" or Color Change or A Speical Title.. saying that you purchased the supporter pack..
      Would include a special flag(s).
      Be able to put custom crafts in the menu screen(s)
      We do not know if multiplayer would even have pfp or titles however, i think it would be a cool thing to add.


    yes this is pretty much try convince to keep intercept games with ALL of there developers with a job, is absolutely silly to think that we will sit down with people getting fired, and only getting corporate talk.


    These could be microtransactions that keep small amount of income coming to the game to show people might be interested besides the absolute devestion of trust when the game got forced to be released. (perhaps don't launch a game a year to early and then try to can the developers when we are getting remotely close to an actual game cause of your mistakes cause you are down a few million dollars..)

  8. 1 hour ago, RayneCloud said:



    "It should, in my opinion, come faster." That was the quote, and while I get the desire to throw out the statements of "This is software development" like I am not already familiar with that, we're still sitting at 3 months to the day since, with no idea when the next patch will come, nor the one after it, nor colonies. At this pace, I reiterate, that I have zero expectations left that we will see colonies in game before the end of the year. 


    we just had aconversation about managing expectations

    so uh so I'm definitely loath to uh commit to a date

    I think it's safe to say that we would be pretty disappointed if the amount of time between uh you know the for science update and the colonies update was the same as the distance between launch and for science

    um I do think we were working on a lot more foundational stuff over the course of the first eight months of the project and that a lot of that stuff is getting squared away

    so it should in my opinion come faster..


    based on based on the estimates that I've seen based on the scope of work for the colonies update I believe we are looking at a significantly shorter turnaround time we mentioned


    we can assume when they came back from break (around late feburary) they started working hard on colonies. 

    Yes there is foundational work for colonies but we are still 2 months + from even getting close to next update as what we understand from leeks/news of next milestone..

    • Different people have different jobs
    • blackrack working on clouds is a good thing cause i doubt he has much to do as of right now, and he already has extensive knowledge about making "better clouds", weather, storms etc (i just hope he can cook more make them better than the mod)

    if we just realistically say that they started in March for colonys they have only worked on it 2~ months so we still have (sadly) 8 months more to go before we hit colony length of work..

    but I'm glad to see stuff that the community talked about like clouds not really hitting like what "alpha" showed, and having an experienced person on clouds working on clouds.. i doubt that he wont code it so weather is easier to implement either.

    then PQS stuff can as a possibility give us more performance depending on how it actually works, its all slow work to next major update..

    Remember, Rumor of 200-300 parts is in colonys



           Shacknews Interviews Interview (2023)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=easPDj-o06o&t=358s [May 2, 2023]
    - There will be between 200 to 300 colony parts


    this isn't a small update compared to Science, we are getting a lot more parts compared to science (9 parts), we have to be getting more missions due to freya, more tech tree lines, a lot more work than just science.


    I'm hoping that they are trying find ways to make colonies run more performant due to the amount of colony parts that we can use, and even a modest 100~+ part build starts to slow the game into the 30~fps .

  9. Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
    OS: Windows 11 | CPU: 7900x | GPU: 4070 ti | RAM128 GB


    Anth requested that i made a bug report on this

    Anth Edit:
    Thanks to @Stephensan for posting this. Note the focus of this is on the visual glitch rather than the physics glitch that is applied.
    In my testing sometimes the visual glitch occurs and the physics one doesn't appear to so I wanted to have two separate issues posted on the forums

    In this case, i been dealing with a bug with rovers (wheels in general) where every 1000m~ in this case "at 2000m (more between 2000m and 2100m) it glitched one of the rear wheels and then the physics glitch happened as well." causing the craft to lose control,

    How to recreate bug

    • Create a rover with any wheels 
    • Go to another planet either using teleport or getting there by rocket
    • Start driving
    • After 1000m the bug will start happening

    What does the bug do

    • Glitches the wheels upward to "100%" fully compressed suspension
    • In a "single frame" (extremely quickly) it resets to the original position
    • Possible that the game physics decided that it should move the craft due to seeing that the wheels "went up" causing a phantom force that shouldn't be applied to the craft
    • Craft loses control causing it to crash


    How does it affect the player

    Driving normally as a player should,   starts off as a visual bug, that is related to the 1000m terrain glitch however, with how wheels "collide" with the ground gaining phantom forces when going in the ground this bug should be for the visual side, however it is noted that it still can have the 1000m phantom force

    You cannot expect when the bug trigger and cannot know if which way the bug will throw you if it decides that it should..

    It hinders users driving long term on any planet causing users to need to use a lot of quicksave/adjust autosave to sub 10 seconds when going above the speed of 15-20m/s due to how frequent the gets due to the speed and distance.


    The video is "Supercut" of 5-7 minutes of just driving and the bug triggering and causing a crash and me reverting save, the parts cut out is(Unimportant) besides just the distance made and was just normal "straight line driving". OG video can be sent via YouTube upon request.


    What's included:

    • Player.log
    • Ksp2.log
    • Campaign Save

    Known issues (thank you anth)

    • Null colliders (i think this is on every quicksave/autosave it has one)
    • Saves throws the "back" out for some reason i think this is due to the craft and not due to the bug, and the issues are separate due to being able do this with MANY other machines.
    • Teleported to Duna from the KSC using cheats throwing up errors


    Included Attachments:






  10. 16 hours ago, Flush Foot said:

    @stephensmat maybe it’s all in my head, but after using Windows’ “MKLINK” command to route that folder from my C: (SATA SSD) to a higher-performance NVMe SSD, I feel like saving and loading is a fair bit snappier (but that maybe had to do with not-KSP2-processes unavoidably running at the same time, like Backblaze automatic backups)

    my main drive (the game where it is installed) is 980 pro samsung

  11. Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
    OS: Windows 11 | CPU: 7900x | GPU: 4070 ti | RAM128 GB


    Wheels having a single point of contact (in the middle) cause (separate bugs) but all originate from the same bug these bugs would be separate but it seems it has the same one cause, bugs such as:

    • Wheels Getting Phantom Wheel Speed/Direction Causing Harder Control Of The Craft
    • Wheels Merging Into Ground
    • Wheels Merging Into Ground Cauing Craft/Rover Go "Balistic" In An Uncontrolled Manner
    • Wheels Fall Off When Immense Phantom Forces Pushes It Back "Out Of The Ground"

    and I do not know the rest, but all the issues orginate from how the wheel ground collider is just a "sliver"

    The video shows what not taking care of the "bugs" can do to the craft, but it doesn't matter cause the phantom forces usually take much more control rather than the user, and or destroy part(s) before total control again.


    Included Attachments:




  12. 22 minutes ago, Icegrx said:

    It shouldn’t be an issue, but for KSP2’s sake it’s the processor holding you back mainly here. The way the cache is split between the two CCDs on that architecture hamstrings the performance of games that cannot utilize all 12 cores. KSP further limits that down to a rumored 1 core. So your single highest performing core can only utilize about half the processors available cache. 

    from what i test ksp 2 uses 6 cores 12 threads for me 



    could be pinging back and forth or whatever but.

  13. 32 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    As I've posted a zillion times out here:

    • AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12 core
    • GeForce RTX 2060 Super
    • 32 GB RAM

    cpu is from 7-19, gpu is from GPU is from 7-19

    computer parts was 3 years old when the game released

    by the time ksp 2 released GPU was 2 gens old and the CPU 3 gens old..

    The computer may very well have been in the performance mid range name a while ago just before last quarter of 2023 at the time but has lost that quite a bit ago at this point.. but this is absolutely not to say ksp 2 performance is stellar.

    i recently did a cleaning of my entire saves log and wiped it clean cause of a weird bug that

    yeah... anyway...

    the issue is CPU utilization then GPU for your case if i haven't said it another post that got closed...

    from what i know the cpu/gpu combo can do like 1080p or 1440p, but you will hit a CPU limit as of right now, but you shouldn't really be hitting 15fps, a laptop i tested with 150+ parts was 12-15fps with like 10400h and 1650 laptop.. much worse specs in current version.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Icegrx said:

    Gotcha @Stephensan sorry for the confusion. I only run 1-2 campaigns at a time so I have no experience with that. How many campaigns have you noticed before performance is an issue? 

    The auto save issue I’ve noticed is when 6+ auto saves start to pile up, with performance dropping further with each auto save. 

    not sure if it’s related, but when you delete a vehicle build within the game, I have noticed that it keeps files within the games folders. This is true for vehicle auto saves as well. The folder just keeps piling on more and more information. These do not disappear until the campaign itself is deleted.

    i had about 16 campaigns and about 5.6 GB of storage and 5,977 Files, 32 Folders total..


    so didn't really know until i was having an issue of a single save was like actually locking freezing the game/instant crashing/lag and finally BSOD-ing my computer is when i wiped it clean

    Anth has already tested it and said he couldn't replicate, but  i think its a more of an issue of most saves was/had been well played and had like 100's of quicksaves

    it needs to be investigated more, cause i have HAD better performance all around. if you watch the video that is my performance difference its like actually insane.

  15. 27 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

    And yet, what we have is an EA testing build with teens of FPS.  I have mid-range hardware and can't crack 15 FPS on anything greater than 75 parts.  I don't even hit 20 FPS until I'm under 40.  So all those performance enhancements the team has made may have impacted high-end gear, but not mid-range.  And we shouldn't be expected to drop $500 on a new video card to play this game.  My card is just over 2 years old at this point, and functions just fine on every other game I own.

    So fully working?  I can't see how it is.

    define mid range for context.. for your computer

  16. 40 minutes ago, rnt_hank said:
    • This doesn't answer anything.   "We're working on it" is a vague way of saying "eff off and stop asking."  WHAT are they working on, specifically, since colonies have been playable to devs for years already?

    "parent goes to work"  "parent comes home" did you work today... after the millionth time saying the same thing its annoying. there is nothing else to say.



    WHAT are they working on, specifically, since colonies have been playable to devs for years already?

    Bugs and colonies and making sure everything works for everything else like MP...  We can assume that they played the game in the most basic function low fps etc, and them saying that it was completely playable was not fully truthful so it could just be hype marketing at play.


    here is for bugs, you see them working on it, stuff happens and changes, they use the same numbers and names so it seems that they haven't done anything until 10 days ago but its been moving the entire time changing, from what i understand this is for mostly the bug work team, and devs for next major update either in offline servers not connected to steam, or hidden among those "Development"


    • Development = Bug Test X
    • Test = Developments Combined
    • PlayTest = Internal/Dev/Team Playing
    • Voyager = First Stage Of Next Patch/Update (could be long term gameplay test cause it can be days or weeks before Candidate)
    • Candidate = Third To Last Stage Before Next Patch/Update (its like from what we know second stage from voyager)
    • Staging = Second To Last Stage Before Patch/Update Gets Moved To "Public" or 0.x.x.x

    and then we get a release..


    and for colonies


    (use ad blocker)



    all of this information needs to be fully working, in a game playable state for tons of different hardware and different playstyles, and not in a EA testing build with teens of fps for 18 parts. also even more thermal stuff is coming.



  17. 51 minutes ago, rnt_hank said:

    Are you still following the roadmap or not?  Tell us.

    Do you know where you are on the map?  Tell us. 

    Get roadblocked by a killer bug or set back?  Tell us.

    Right now it appears the game is dead in the water and you're doing nothing but procrastinate delivering the cancellation news, because you can't seem to communicate in a post addressing the lack of communication.

    Give us *something* other than more empty promises.  SHOW US WHAT YOU'VE DONE.


    • yes they are working on colonies so they are still following the roadmap
    • underway working on colonies most likely working out optimizations on part count, and placement on other planets and seeing how it behaves
    • there is 2-3 killer bugs right now, revert save death wobble/save rot issue, part performance issues, and finally planting flags breaking the game

    there is ofc a lot more bugs, but even i can answer these questions. more realistic questions that they could sink there teeth into is


    • With colony progression underway, what is an issue that is taking the most time, performance-related, or coding the parts in, coding the core parts or is it bug fixing?
    • With the long duration between the first bug patch of 0.2.0 to 0.2.1 are you able to give us feedback on a estimation of bugs that will be fixed in the next upcoming bug update?
    • With knowing that things such as HDRP, or developer such as blackrack is there any new information you can give us on either or has blackrack been working for colonies?

    these are questions that directly gives us answers, still allows them freedom of not giving us time frames, gives them estimiations so it isn't fully clear, while also not letting even a user like me knowing the answers.

    and it can be as simple as the answers

    • as of right now core parts coding is taking the longest, there is a lot of parts that we need make sure work fully and verify through internal builds.
    • so far we have about 20-25 bugs fixed and 3 bugs that was on the hit list on KERB that finally was completed since last KERB update.
    • HDRP is still in stages of being worked on we have tested it in a couple cycles but we are still not happy with how it is performing and will take longer, and blackrack has been working on making the reentry effects better with the colors based off of atmosphere composition and the moon/planet occlusion, due to the more recent solar ecplise it will take a while for us to have a viable product for testing before we can move forward with it and give more infomation..


    its a matter of knowing and gathering information that still allows CM's to not give time frames but still giving us information in short statements, just like colonies, there is a A LOT of information we actually already got for information, its more so being able to find it


    don't worry we will know something hopefully next week


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