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Everything posted by Mr_Orion

  1. Do you have the paid version or the free demo? Mechjeb doesn\'t work with the demo version, nor does any other plugin.
  2. I hate to say it, but I\'m calling bull on that being a randomly generated set of names. You must\'ve SFS edited. Firstly, the chance of getting all 3 of them together with regular names is astronomical, and... Secondly, I doubt they have single syllables in the list consisting of 'Luke' and 'James' (both single syllable names, they\'d need to be put specifically into the list). 'Ad' and 'am' being separate syllables put together is plausible, but when combined with the first point... Own up to your save file editing, man!
  3. I thought it\'d be of interest to people here that in KSP\'s 'sounds' folder, there is actually unimplemented music (presumably) for the V.A.B, named 'editorLoop01.ogg'
  4. Having wings should stop roll, not increase it (unless the wings are angled, which they are not).
  5. Actually SAS does exactly the same thing as ASAS, just that ASAS has the ability to control winglets and RCS (and pod torque).
  6. I actually really like the mechanical failure; If there is one thing I\'d suggest, it\'d be to have separate failure songs for in, and out of the atmosphere, so the current one would be for slower-paced failures and another more urgent one would be for when a booster flies off! EDIT: One thing that really stood out was how 'smooth' the transition felt between songs... I\'m wondering if it\'d be possible to have a procedural music system where you\'d start with a big bunch of preset bars of music, and it\'d fit them together depending on what is happening inside the game. It\'d allow the whole thing to feel 'connected', with no jarring, and you could layer instruments on top of the simple melody as things get more extreme (like, on reentry it\'ll layer on more and more as your altitude decreases). It\'d also mean that the music doesn\'t need to be so distracting at times, and the music could eventually get a bit slower and eventually turn just to ambient noise if you do the same thing for a long while. EDIT: Maybe I could try this as a concept plugin for KSP... I need something to try teaching myself coding!
  7. Hahah, that\'s the most kerbal design I\'ve seen in a long while! 'Hey, Jeb, I think we\'re missing a few pieces' 'Yeah, about that, we didn\'t have enough engines so we are just gonna fly this to the mun and take the engine off of some other sucker\'s vessel... *presses launch button before Bill or Bob can reply*'
  8. That\'d make sense if the oscillations lasted a long time, but in the original post he says that it happens multiple times per second.
  9. Try this, it greatly reduces lag: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=13682.0
  10. May I inquire onto the required >100 posts rule?
  11. Hehe, now you gotta add some hooks to play at certain moments (at launch, in orbit of any planet or moon (or sun...), when landed on the moon or sun, all of it), so I can get to work with creating some songs to go with it!
  12. I performed my first ever fully stock rendezvous today too! I got bored half way through deploying my munar orbital surveyor for a stock cart I put down on the surface (it was made using the landing gear), and had plenty of fuel left, soI decided to rendezvous with some debris from my previous flight. It took quite a while, and I had no mechjeb to help me, but I eventually managed it... The hardest part was probably the fact the craft wasn\'t designed for rendezvous; it had no RCS, so I needed to make tiny adjustments by constantly flipping my entire craft around. \'Tis satisfying, though!
  13. Press caps lock, and the controls will be much smoother - use little taps on the keys, also. EDIT: Hmm... I got ninja\'ed. What ever happened to that 'you may want to review your post' thing when someone posted while you were writing a message?
  14. This thing\'s range is gonna be decimated once the infini-glide bug is fixed, hehe. Any video? How many Gs can it pull off on a turn?
  15. Yes, but it doesn\'t work while time-warping. It MAY be possible now though, since the patched conics code turned all the orbital parameter stuff into a more abstract system... that doesn\'t get around the part size limit, however.
  16. I think he\'s forcing the game to think they are landed.
  17. Did someone say 'Three-dee'? (Warning, big images): EDIT: Darn, if you use cross-eyed technique, it\'ll be reversed (far away stuff looks close, and close stuff looks far away). If you all wall-eyed, it\'ll be fine, but the pictures will probably be too big for you to see then. If someone could edit those so the left pictures are on the right (and vice versa), that\'d be great.
  18. Well, I\'d say that doesn\'t really matter; as long as it uses air-breathing engines.
  19. This plugin isn\'t really needed anymore anyways; animation is now officially supported in KSP.
  20. Nah, there\'s nothing for the avionics package to control; no control surfaces, RCS, pod torque, any of that. It just serves to weight the front down which stops it doing backflips.
  21. It\'s easy to survive a water landing; you just need to pitch up at the end so the back end of your aircraft gets ripped apart, and it\'ll slow the capsule to an acceptable speed. What isn\'t hard, is doing it with the entire aircraft surviving (with stock parts). It\'s easy enough if you use a VTOL design, but a conventional landing is near impossible in water.
  22. I think that\'s almost impossible. Maybe if you didn\'t need to land on Kerbin, then take off again, it\'d be possible, but I think that even if this is currently possible, nobody is actually going to try.
  23. No problem, it\'s my personal solution to the lag I experience. Really, the person who should be congratulated is is Mu, for making the terrain options so versatile!
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