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Everything posted by swiftgates24

  1. Someone came up with a solution here. It was to write the positions of the planets AND players to a time in the server. IE: At 12:48, Player 1 was at position x, and Duna was at position a. At 6:24, Player 2 was at position c, and Duna was at position b. When player B reaches 12:48, they will see Player 1 at position x, and Duna at position a It is the best solution.
  2. An Oort Cloud in KSP would be cool...
  3. Thread is a one year necro.
  4. 1. Go to Imgur.com (Best image hosting site). 2. Click on the Computer on the right. 3. Find where you screenshot is (KSP screenshot folder by default). 4. Select it and upload it. 5. Once it is done, you should see links for the image on the right. Find the BBCode version (Not Linked BBCode), then copy it. 6. Paste it here!
  5. Oh goodie! Another one of these, pointless, useless discussions! I doesn't matter how long ago the last one was, they contribute nothing to the community.
  6. That, is all I need. And anyone saying the game will be full of trolls - Not going to happen. Trolls have no knowledge. For this game, you need some. They make a rocket, it won't' work, they'll rage and go cry for mommy. Also, how do you troll in a single player simulator?
  7. It'd be an honor for him to not be on Wikipedia, considering their "space terms".
  8. I was wondering when someone would notice that. Over a year old...
  9. You don't get put on Wikipedia for being helpful to some video game players.
  10. At Jool's surface, you go below 0 Meters, and can not move the camera. Also, the physics go crazy, and a roll cage would be useless as you have to be going about 2 m/s to survive anyway.
  11. The Settings button at the top of the page. Then go to Edit My Profile Picture on the left.
  12. This is exactly what I thought of. I'd love a Tech Tree like Civ V in KSP.
  13. Heard about it in .8 Played it at .10 No Mun. Bought it at .14
  14. 14/10 One for each Kerbal (Yes I counted).
  15. Granted, but even though you're so good, people hate you and eject you into spaaaaaaaaaace. I wish I had a cake (non-explosive).
  16. I believe if you go into Weapons, and under some other tab, you can buy back-up planes so you can use them twice
  17. Very interesting...I'd like to see Minmus with Rareden's textures. Also, why do you have hair? Tingle should not have hair
  18. - Yes, but you start with enough money to buy your first plane. If you play enough, you can get early planes fairly fast. - I played for two weeks, then got sort of bored with it. Recently I've gotten back into it. -Nope. Not at all. There are a few special planes that require something like $5 USD, but the aren't' really worth it. -It's really fun, and easy to play. I like the fact it's FTP, since I probably have it right now otherwise. Like I said, the pay-planes aren't really worth it (They only give a few XP bonuses).
  19. 5/10 I see nothing, but it's KSP. Mine is Bread Fish. Very good tasting. This might help you understand it more: http://breadfish.de/ (Volume Warning)
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