This is a really good idea, and I like it, but...please don't use that background with derpy Jebidiah on the main page. Make it an in-game screenshot or something The one for the mod selection looks good though.
The Orbiter community sure doesn't think so. Also, any of you guys remember that one rule...uh...hmm... it think it had something to do with not speculating release dates, but whatever.
It is to avoid people going like: OmGAWD!!11!!!!1111!1Thes is soooooo buggie AND STUPERD! SQUAD, Fix Tese BUGSGSGS!!!!!!!!!!!!1 They tried it the way you suggested. That's what they did with .14, if you try to remember back then...
You could do that in regular KSP. I really don't know why people are saying could turn out to be awful. You can't judge something without seeing it.
You really should have more subs...I've been with you from early on, and even played a certain game with you Hope you continue and grow to 10,000 subs! Then 100,000! THEN A MILLION!