Oh. Okay then, I might get the modpack. I built a giant arena in another server, I was bored. I don't know how it involves anything above, but this is a Minecraft thread. It's not done and still slightly ugly.
No. 1 + 1 = 2 Can never be changed, because it is already itself 1 - ( -1 ) = 2 does get 2, but it is not 1 + 1 = 2 1 + 1 = 2 without adding is 1 1 = 2, which isn't valid because there is no operation before the equal sign.
Yep. Minecraft is also a test for a real life blocky world. I can't tell if you're joking, trolling, or just plain stupid. I'm sure they generate SO much money from KSP...I mean, it only cost a few billion dollars to make a space shuttle!
Oh god. The fan base claiming they copied him is terrible. I was on a video of Spore...made in 2010...people were complaining he copied Pewdiepie...and he started in 2012. It is sad.
Just because you don't like someone means they're a pussy. I like him, but he probably won't play KSP unless other big Youtubers start it (Which WILL happen). And besides, this game doesn't require learning. You can mess around all you want
Chobit, it is not that it's different (although some people might think that), it's just a bad interface, and very few people I know like it. It was Microsoft's way of trying to get you to buy their phones.