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Everything posted by thejoker1432

  1. Im excited for the new wave of players and support that will come in and help make KSP 2 as long lived and supported as KSP 1 was
  2. Damn these wheels are clipping into the ground completely Looks very buggy
  3. Probably in time with the first science update in summer? Half a year between roadmap points might be reasonable
  4. I understand for work there are different builds But if someone said: Hey can you make a screenshot to post to social media wouldnt someone compile a complete version with good looks? They post screenshots to test the game's systems?
  5. Thats the lets say "simplest" take I have ever heard. Marketing a game is always beneficial UNLESS they release a buggy mess. But even then hype will never be as high as on launch of EA
  6. Thats what they have said about some screenshots But any company will have soem PR strategy to make marketing and everyone involved would rip their hair out if they saw a dev posting screenshots just for fun on bad looking settings In other words: How much hype does low fps, no anti alising, mushy terrain pics generate? I have seen more criticism of its looks than praise (because what is there to praise) If there were some magic "make good" settings then dont you think a dev might turn up the settings for that screenshot? Would take maybe 5-10 min
  7. This is a very reasonable take Anyone that suspects a grand reveal with big surprises and assumes the screenshots are purposefully hiding something good is dreaming Much more likely the content is hiding some rough edges
  8. Where? Who re-confirmed it? Or is it just your assumption?
  9. After reading a couple of comments here, I am very surprised at how surprised people are about the price and confused about what an EA is I dont know if many here just only play KSP and thats it but 60€/$ is the standard price for a non-indie game since I guess 8 years or so? And 50€ for the EA seems reasonable as you get the features step by step AND they cant just make a 25€ EA since everyone would buy that and noone would pay the later 1.0 full price tag of 60€ Secondly: EA is not a separate game or program. Its an early version of the game that gets updated over time until it is finished or released (and post release support still happens). Therefore you are not really paying to playtest. You are paying for the game but its not done yet. You can pay and not play or pay and play but not give any feedback. Noone cares Lastly my main thoughts are that I hope the KSP2 foundation is performance wise solid to support larger vehicles, less physica clipping like EVA wheels on rover construction and overall a less janky experience. All the other features are great but performance and polish to me is the most importan. In the end its not fund to build colonies or travel between stars runnings at 5fps and blowing up every 3 minutes I really hope time between updates wont be too long. I guess it might be 6 months for each but who knows
  10. Hey thanks for your answer. It was indeed Rocket Sound Enhance,ent that caused the construction noises. I dont know if that is intended behavior but I removed it and now its fine. Thank you!
  11. I recently updated to 1.12.3 and have a modlist which previously never was an issue. When I go into the VAB or SPH make a flight and revert back then from that point on the game plays construction sound noises, like jackhammering, spooling of engines, hammering and so on The noise is loud and no audio slider in the menu affects it at all. It only plays in these two buildings but I have no idea why Its really hard to play and build when you basically live next to a construction zone.
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