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Everything posted by jwg12

  1. Yeah, that seemed to be the issue, it's working now, thanks a lot for the help!
  2. I don't know if my installation is wrong since I downloaded everything from ckan but here is the log file: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bsdeeuugwz70q0f4hmg2q/KSP.log?rlkey=ns936pjb0wuk5dmc5bncw8pgx&dl=0
  3. is there any way to see the orbit display since when I click it again I hear the click sound but nothing happens https://imgur.com/a/2ArOyP1
  4. So for a while now i have been having this issue where it says "Physics easing in progress" and my crafts apoapsis keeps rising. here is a video showing the bug, you can see it rise at 0:13 and 1:20. https://imgur.com/a/ch66twe and my mods folder. I would really appreciate if someone helped me fix this bug EDIT: this also happens without mods too so yea
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