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  1. Hey, for some reason some of the clouds aren't working and some stuff on Earth isn't working. I believe this is an KSRSS EVE issue. I am unable to apply most of the clouds for some reason. Here is a google drive with image examples and my logs. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ks8X7-qqrjUNxelRuyRJ0cZojH2R8S5j?usp=sharing
  2. nevermind, i have resolved the issue by updating everything on ckan and reinstalling hullcam via. ckan.
  3. alright just some more info, it seems only the mun cam, chem cam, and the basic small camera thing you get at the start are the only available ones. if u see this message and not the other, the other has the logs
  4. yup, my bad https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nIqCynmMTZK31BnySV1as6Ry1cQd0tAZ/view?usp=sharing i think this is the right one? tell me if not
  5. yes, i do. i have community tech tree installed. if it helps, i checked sandbox mode to see if they are on there and they are not.
  6. Hey! A lot of the cameras do not seem to be loading in, but some of them do. One that IS showing up is the muncam, and one that is NOT showing up is the turret cam. any fixes? i can post what mods i have too
  7. Well, it turns out im just an idiot lmfao. i installed module manager wrong without realizing it ahaha. thanks for the help tho man.
  8. Yes, I have done all of this. I think that the game recognizes that KSRSS is installed, but just doesn't load the stock system? Like the option at the beginning to change the resolution and all of that is there, just when I go into the game it is still the stock system.
  9. I have been trying to get this mod installed for a few hours now. The lack of instructions on the page here (or my stupidly absurd ignorance to reading things lol) has made me scour the internet to find how I actually can install this thing. I have gotten the megapack KSRSS folder and kopernicus in there, and everything works, except for the fact it loads the stock system and not the solar system. I feel like I have been going in circles and it is starting to frustrate me a little bit. How can I get this to work?
  10. I made a post with some suggestions I have and I just realized I forgot a few. - Star Cluster(s) I think a bunch of star systems inside of a star cluster would be awesome, but it may take too long to develop. - Mission Patches Have on option to have a flag/patch for missions and a flag for your space program, so if you plant the flag it's the flag for your space program and not the mission flag.
  11. As the title suggests, here are a few suggestions I have for KSP 2! - Nebulae I think it would be really cool if there was a nebula you could travel to! Perhaps even a very young star in the nebula... - A blackhole for when you achieve escape velocity of stars. When you achieve escape velocity of a planet in KSP, you orbit Kerbol. So perhaps something similar for stars with a blackhole, assuming they have the stars orbit a common center. - Mods to have the capability of adding new star systems I assume this is already going to be a feature, but I still would really like to see this.
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