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Everything posted by WoodenBiplane

  1. I want to hear the results! This craft is nifty!
  2. Grand Lander, you are likely using the fuel-bug unintentionally.
  3. As requested. The Eagle's adventure with Kethane, although after Leon's post I'm not sure how proud I am anymore http://imgur.com/a/Mc4sL The Eagle is near the end.
  4. I made a kethane version of this with 1 small tank, 2 drills, and a converter. Along with my satellites and fuel base, this has given me essentially a re-usable craft. I wanted to use it as a tanker, but getting the balance right for even the small adjustments mentioned was a pain. It still tends to lean forward.
  5. So I'm scanning the mun. Do you think there's a problem with my mod or am I just unlucky (see attached screenshot). If you can't quite see. I have a small cluster of deposits on the far left of the map... and nothing else.
  6. Your pictures are busted. If this is what I think it is, then I hope you get it working!
  7. http://imgur.com/a/UkZdX#39 Had a lot of fun today. I also stopped by two arches and a munolith, but the screenshots were meh. Tomorrow's plans: Minmus and an RCS powered return.
  8. Hey SquirrelMachine, I think MMI (Mechanical Mouse Industries) uses ESP.
  9. Crew Exchange went off without a hitch, the station is now fully manned. The C/SM is sluggish, but efficient, and multiple rendevous after drifting apart was cake even without RCS.
  10. Flight Characteristics: Surprisingly, this thing crawls slowly off the pad. Yet, since the stage differences are pretty much perfectly balanced, it slowly accelerates, since it\'s constantly losing fuel weight and isn\'t carrying much upstairs as dead weight. The stages run out of fuel at exactly the right timing during your gravity turn and circularization, with just about a half a tank to spare. Surprisingly, the remaing command/service module combo has plenty of fuel for orbital maneuvers. The lack of RCS is worrisome, but I\'m within 200m of my Space Station. Wish me luck on the Crew Exchange. For a heavier lifting version some SRB\'s with attached drop fuel tanks should give it the boost it needs (I Think).
  11. That\'s probably the prettiest Stock Heavy ever. I LOVE what you\'ve done with the aesthetics of the upper stages. I\'ve been looking for a stock lifter since I\'m using the Orbital Construction mods and this one looks like it\'s got good framerate. Tell us more about the flight characteristics? I\'ll probably try it out with the TEST WEIGHTS mod when I get home today.
  12. I\'m doing something moderately similar, but in reverse. It\'s not quite finished yet. I have a basic station in orbit around the mun with a population of about 10 Kerbs on the surface. I\'m about to drop a lander in the middle of the surface base that has 4 MKRPs (Munar Krew Recovery Pods) on it, which are designed to use linear RCS to fly one Kerbal to the station and then deorbit itself. Once full, the station serves as an 8 man return vehicle that can either dock with my upcoming KSS or return fully to Kerbin. I\'m wondering if after I remove my crew from the POD if I will be able to de-orbit it or not, with a mechjeb and no crew, is it controllable? This is meant to serve as Large lander and rendezvous practice for me as I work my way to dropping larger and larger hab modules on the Mun, and test out different return systems from the Mun. Multiple return vehicles per lander is something I\'ve been working on for a while, but the MKRPS add a ton of dead weight, so I have to redesign every stage on my rocket (and possibly add a 4th or 5th serial stage).
  13. I love this thing. It\'s serving as an emergency return vehicle at my Mun base since the ascent stage is so reliable. It also inspired a skycrane-style cart dropper that\'s made landing carts a breeze. It just flies away when I decouple from a 10m hover.
  14. What, if anything, from this mod works in .16? I need a flying cart.
  15. Never, ever, ever say forget docking again. >
  16. Frostiken I *think* that\'s a problem with the EEP and not with ZO2.
  17. How low do they have to be in the atmosphere to get wiped? I could swear I\'ve got some debris on an elliptical at 54k that isn\'t braking.
  18. Maraz. After I looked at this a bit more, you\'re right. I was right on the cusp between the two SOI\'s. When I went to 5x acceleration it stopped trying to round and put me on the escape orbit you see in the screenshots. While not a true L-point, I think I was exactly where it would have been, given my limited knowledge of such things. Do you know if gravity assists work in this?
  19. My educated guess after a little more thought is that I was doing the opposite of a gravitational slingshot. My orbital momentum was trying to throw me away from the moon on an escape trajectory, but the moon was moving closer at the same rate, slowing me down. The positions/vectors are right for this theory. In other news, the Bigtrak I was attempting to land randomly blew up. There\'s a couple of hours down the tubes.
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