Just did a clean install of KSP and a bunch of mods (all mods worked together fine previously). I noticed that procedural SRBs no longer work. All other procedural parts seem to be ok. But for SRBs - the config menu is weird:
1) The SRB Type is listed as "**not found**". I can click on the arrow and change it to "Default". That is my only option.
2) However changing the diameter or the length has no visual effect - the size and shape of the SRB does not change (though the fuel stored does change).
3) The thrust (ASL/Vacuum) is blank. Should be two numbers there.... The Thrust slider DOES have a number and I can adjust it - but that does not make an ASL/Vacuum number appear
4) I can change the shape in the menu (but again - visually the part does not change). Once I change it away from "cylinder" I can never get cylinder back again.
Note my log file is filled with entries like:
[LOG 21:43:47.074] RCS exceeded loop count
[LOG 21:43:47.074] stageStartMass = NaN
[LOG 21:43:47.074] burnTime = Infinity
[LOG 21:43:47.074] StepEndMass = NaN