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  1. Apologies! As mentioned on the SmartStage thread, SS will lump all Engine Plates (plus the next decoupler, if there is one) into one stage. In all the rebuliding, reloading and testing, I must have forgotten to fix the staging before saving the craft file for export. I see downthread that you have solved the issue; I will test it out the next time I go on a KSP spree. Cheers!
  2. @linuxgurugamer Returning to KSP after several years, and for the first time playing with the DLC, I have discovered that Engine Plates and GravityTurn do not want to play nice. Specifically, other than the initial stage, any stage below an Engine Plate will fail to Auto Stage. Additionally (and this may be expected behaviour), if such a stage is not triggered manually, subsequent stages also fail to Auto Stage in their turn. Replacing Engine Plates with decouplers fixes all staging issues on test craft. Craft file (a stripped-down version of the craft that led to the discovery): https://pastebin.com/pwGKdLrr Log file, in two parts: https://pastebin.com/NingbDVB https://pastebin.com/nFpVfCUD Relevant actions performed: Launch craft w/GravityTurn; observe side boosters fail to separate when empty; wait; observe core booster fail to separate when empty; wait; manually perform one staging; observe both stagings happen at once.
  3. @linuxgurugamer Returning to KSP after several years, and for the first time playing with the DLC, I have discovered that Engine Plates and SmartStage do not want to play nice. Specifically, SmartStage will lump all Engine Plates (and their associated engines) into one stage, and for good measure include the next decoupler up as well. Ironically, the stock Reset button will, at least for the craft I used for testing, produce staging that is less wrong and easier to sort out manually. Replacing Engine Plates with decouplers fixes all staging issues on test craft. Craft file (a stripped-down version of the craft that led to the discovery): https://pastebin.com/pwGKdLrr Log file, in two parts: https://pastebin.com/NingbDVB https://pastebin.com/nFpVfCUD Relevant actions performed: Load craft; use stock Reset; use SmartStage calculation; manually fix staging.
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