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    Clamp-O-Tron Shielded Docking Port
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    Clamp-O-Tron Shielded Docking Port

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  1. Hi everyone, I just loaded up KSP when I got this error: As I know nothing about computers, I don't know what this means and I promptly followed the instructions. Is there anyone who can help? Anything is appreciated!
  2. So I've been looking around at some KSP content lately, and I noticed that some creators made their parts "shiny" (images below.) Is there a certain mod to do this, or is it a graphics option (my computer isn't great so I hope it's a mod.) I also have ReStock and ReStock+ installed, I heard that does something? If anyone could help, that'd be great! Thanks!
  3. Yes, it has (pretty) accurate staging. Mods: Waterfall EVE ReStock Reentry Particle Effects Renewed Tundra's Space Center Hope you like it!
  4. This is great! I've got two questions - how did you make the engine "cover" (the cylindrical shape in the wings) and what mod did you use to make the terrain?
  5. I did end up fixing this, turns out I was putting the template in the wrong directory. Thanks for the help though @HansAcker!
  6. Thanks for the help, but unfortunately that did not work. I did use "waterfall-fusion" in the first place because the old templateName contained the name of the .cfg file of the Nerv plume. I might try replacing the Nerv file's contents with my own.
  7. Note: This is my first KSP forums post, so I hope it's alright and in the right category. So I've been trying to remake the "Nerv" atomic engine as it seems a bit boring. I've edited the title, description, and manufacturer successfully, but I can't seem to figure out how to create a custom plume with the mod Waterfall (undoubtedly one of the best KSP mods.) I know how to use the in-game editor and have created quite a nice plume with it, but I do not know how to export the plume and have it be applied to the Nerv engine. I did try and follow Nertea's documentation of the mod here, but the instructions on how to create a template and use it were quite vague. (I clicked "Generate template from and copy to clipboard AND gave the template a name. I also have Waterfall Restock and StockWaterfallEffects installed, but I'm not sure if those interfere.) Next, I created a .cfg file, as the documentation says, in my GameData > Waterfall > Templates called "waterfall-fusion", and pasted my copied template in there (it's quite long, so you might not want to read it. ) Then, I pasted the .cfg file name into GameData > StockWaterfallEffects > Engine Configs > Nerv, as shown here: Hopefully this was enough information for some to (maybe) help solve my problem, if you can that would be great! Thanks!
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