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Everything posted by Tohi_CZ

  1. I downloaded the beta prerealease of 1.1.5. (and found fun bugs) Methna homeswitch makes a Kopernicus pop up with a warning that it doesnt work. And currently I am watching Suluco spin extremely fast in the loading screen after turning on homeswitch for Suluco. I see the same bugs as in 1.1.2 (I think that was the last version I played at) Methna is great idea for homeswitch by me, I love cool homeswitches!
  2. I have turned on this mod after long time and again got to the "Scar trasnparency" problem. The same thing happened when I incorectly loaded EVE and Scatterer when Frontier's ground became transparent and I could see Scar throught the ground. I fixed that by correctly loading EVE and Scatter. Now I with cheats landed on Scar in muddy basin and the same thing happened. Around 4000m I could see rocks, around 1500m the ground outline started to appear as purely white, the closer I got the outline was more apperent before it started to turn into reddish-yellow color (I think thats the normal color Scar should have?) but this normal color is only right below the spacecraft and the sorrounding is either without ground texture or that white-ish outline. This issue is only on non-atmospheric celestial bodies tho! I also got screenshot of it but idk how to send them on forums? I have no clue why this is happening tho but the latest update mentioned something about this?
  3. Thank you, i have been really enjoing this mod lately so i don't want miss any lore or anything on the moons.
  4. I've walked on some weird bug which makes me unable to see some moons surface when im close to them, and when i land on them only part of theyre surface shows in black and white. But it happens only with moons without atmosphere, Icebound didnt show but Silence and Abyss worked. Did anybody notice same bug? It has been bothering me a lot.
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