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  1. Is there any way to add the ability to take samples and data to the capsule? I think this applies to the kerbalism mod.
  2. Hi, I am having a problem when loading KSP. I updated the mod list with CKAn and it started to pop up this error for me:
  3. In that case, is there any chance of launching Parallax in RSS? If so, how? If it is the fault of the .cfg files where can I get them or what can I change in them.
  4. In the thread above there was information that you need to have version 1.3.1. I also installed the latest version of Parallax - 2.06 and the error is the same. In the "Compatibility" folder of RSS there is a folder with the configuration called "Parallax" and inside is a .txt file with the very configuration that was there by default when downloading RSS. If it's a configuration problem, is there a line somewhere that is responsible for the correct setting?
  5. I, on the other hand, have this problem: <a href="https://ibb.co/5sDXZTy"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/5sDXZTy/Bez-tytu-u.jpg" alt="Bez-tytu-u" border="0"></a> The undulations of the terrain on the Moon, Mars or Venus are there but there are no stones on them. I have installed: RSS 19.0.4 Parallax 1.3.1
  6. Hi KrAu, if you want to use ATK in RO/RP, you need to upload the RO configuration from the link that SkyPhoenix999 gave(how to do it is described at the link): https://github.com/SkyPhoenix999/Artemis-Construction-Kit-RO-Configs Also a better Kerbalism configuration would be useful as you can't set in the capsules any other method of air purification other than consuming "Li" but still great job !!! BTW, I am preparing a flight to Mars in the style of Constellation Program . Everything works beautifully only when loading KSP i get 4 errors popping up:
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