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  • About me
    i think space is cool
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    In orbit around Sagittarius A*
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    I make youtube videos on my youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Sushut

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  1. If I ever decide to work on this mod again then yeah volumetric support will be added
  2. As far as I know, procedural gas giants don't work anymore. The best way to fail is not to try at all, but if you really want some basic info: 1. lower detail heightmap (make all the features huge, the map can be a lower resolution too) 2. low radius 3. use PQS noise to your advantage
  3. I've worked on revamping this mod, sadly I'm just busy with other things and can't find the time to do it.
  4. The github source code is outdated. It could just be my poorly written code that's causing the issues.
  5. it's the nebula mod that doesn't support singularity, nothing i can do lol and also galaxy mode is just bad, i rushed it i thought i specified it to not make that happen but I guess not
  6. It doesn't explicitly do anything for SCANsat to make it compatible. Does SCANsat need any configs to make planets mappable?
  7. That's what you should be doing, good that you did! (I've seen too many people make planets on their ultra modded mess and wonder why it's hard to debug.) Anyway, the fadeStart in PQS had to be over and equal to the ScaledVersion fadeEnd. Generally it should be: Scaled fadeStart < Scaled fadeEnd = PQS fadeStart < PQS fadeEnd Essentially, your PQS/Scaled transition isn't right.
  8. Consider it an easter egg (mostly because the code for Infinite Discoveries actually sucks but y'know it's a feature now lol)
  9. install KSP community fixes and turn off the maneuver tool in the space center settings (scroll down and you'll see an option to turn off "maneuver tool")
  10. you can either install python and run the source code yourself (though the source code on github is outdated) or get some other computer with windows and just transfer the planets it generated into your mac
  11. It's an issue with the stock maneuver tool. The instructions mention installing KSP Community Fixes and disabling the maneuver tool in the settings (those you'd find in the space center view, idk why they're different from the main menu settings)
  12. Are you still having this issue? I'm sorry for not responding earlier. I was just busy. If so then what did you install in that 2 week span? I'm aware that the latest version has issues with parallax so you could check that out. Also could I get the Kopernicus logs? ( Kerbal Space Program/Logs/Logs-Kopernicus.zip ) to see if some planet is maybe missing its textures. (That issue you described is what happens when a planet is missing a heightmap for any reason.)
  13. I checked out the files of the mod, seems to be identical to my mod. They did credit me though which is all I really care about, so you can allow it onto CKAN. (Huge apologies for replying so late.) Nope. My username on discord is just "Sushut"
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