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Everything posted by Sushut

  1. Are you still having this issue? I'm sorry for not responding earlier. I was just busy. If so then what did you install in that 2 week span? I'm aware that the latest version has issues with parallax so you could check that out. Also could I get the Kopernicus logs? ( Kerbal Space Program/Logs/Logs-Kopernicus.zip ) to see if some planet is maybe missing its textures. (That issue you described is what happens when a planet is missing a heightmap for any reason.)
  2. I checked out the files of the mod, seems to be identical to my mod. They did credit me though which is all I really care about, so you can allow it onto CKAN. (Huge apologies for replying so late.) Nope. My username on discord is just "Sushut"
  3. Looks really nice for a first planet pack!
  4. Oh i see, the min values are for individual systems just like the max values.
  5. Do you have parallax installed? I've had similar issues with planet packs and I honestly cannot ever pinpoint the issue with it. Nevertheless, can you send the KSP logs + Kopernicus Logs in Kerbal Space Program/Logs/Logs-Kopernicus.zip (just send the entire zip file) You can either do it on discord to Sushut or send it via google drive Are the min values higher than the max values you set? That usually breaks everything. If not, then I guess I just broke that function... Oops.
  6. mmm funny math words (new atmosphere looks really nice)
  7. If I ever feel like working on the mod again then more customization will be one of my first priorities
  8. running the source code rather than a compiled (and thus nearly impossible to modify) version of it run for you
  9. Common issue, seems to be a different cause every time (if there is a proper cause in the first place). Can't do anything but generate new planets. Check for anything that might be interfering with it, like an antivirus, or limited permissions.
  10. I've thought of doing that. It centres it relative to the root part though so as long as the root is on top then it'll be in a relatively fine position. I can try adding it though, to see what happens.
  11. Sushut's Main Menu Mod Release 1 Sushut's Main Menu Mod does one thing, it adds a random craft (either stock or yours) into the main menu! My first plugin for KSP (and also my first time *actually* coding in C#) How to install: 1. Download the zip 2. Open the zip 3. Copy the folder inside the zip 4. Paste it into your KSP's GameData 5. Enjoy!! Or just do it through CKAN if you want. Dependencies: None! Compatibility: Works fine with most mods, part mods too. Larger craft may clip into the camera... xd... Download: Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3507/Sushut's Main Menu Mod GitHub: https://github.com/Sushutt/Sushuts-Main-Menu-Mod/releases License: MIT
  12. You technically don't anymore, it'll just keep the images as PNG and increase loading time
  13. That's on the list, also, I made a list for stuff to add so people know what to expect! https://github.com/users/Sushutt/projects/3 Can I have some examples?
  14. The issue seemed to be with the scatterer version included with volumetric eve, I'm working on a revamp for it! (Also, why didn't I get notified about this comment?)
  15. In Settings.py (located directly in the InfiniteDiscoveries folder) there's a bunch of values like "StarTypeOverride" which lets you override which kind of star spawns
  16. I've found some issues with the parallax configs in 0.9.9 so i guess there's that, not much you can do (unless if you know how to use parallax) For ReserachBodies, that's definitely on the list!
  17. You don't need to delete the GenerateSystem anymore as of 0.9.9 but remember: Don't include the program itself inside KSP, and be aware that more planets = more RAM usage (so the issue might just be not enough RAM) you can't do much, just use the ui buttons
  18. that's an issue with distance, every interstellar planet pack has this
  19. currently there's 5 main types (they vary in size though, but generally there's 5) those being main sequence, white dwarfs, brown dwarfs, red giants, and neutron stars
  20. It was an object I used to generate a cache (a cache stores the scaled model for kopernicus bodies) The cache is used for red giants so they can look lumpy, it's kinda useless now but it's kinda funny to just leave it in
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