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Posts posted by Sushut

  1. On 4/15/2024 at 12:49 PM, Viisuri said:

    @JadeOfMaar No, however I am using rescale mods, guessing it's that. Not a big problem anyways, not like I require Kcalbeloh.

    Are you still having this issue? I'm sorry for not responding earlier. I was just busy.


    If so then what did you install in that 2 week span? I'm aware that the latest version has issues with parallax so you could check that out. Also could I get the Kopernicus logs? ( Kerbal Space Program/Logs/Logs-Kopernicus.zip ) to see if some planet is maybe missing its textures. (That issue you described is what happens when a planet is missing a heightmap for any reason.)

  2. On 2/11/2024 at 7:13 AM, JonnyOThan said:

    Can you clarify what this means?

    This mod is up on SpaceDock and they requested addition to CKANhttps://spacedock.info/mod/3557/Arktus

    As part of the CKAN approval process we check on licenses; this mod appears to have copied the cloud maps from Infinite Discoveries.  I don't really know that much about planet modding so it's hard for me to say whether this is in violation.  Also the language is not super clear - what does "as part of something else" mean?  They're part of another mod, is that enough?  Or do you require that they're modified in some way?  Thanks!

    I checked out the files of the mod, seems to be identical to my mod. They did credit me though which is all I really care about, so you can allow it onto CKAN.

    (Huge apologies for replying so late.)

    On 3/8/2024 at 9:51 AM, Pacevy said:

    Do we still have to delete the generate system folder?



    On 2/18/2024 at 9:41 AM, mushroomwater said:

    Hey Sushut I know I am a nobody when it comes to ksp modding but I was wondering if there is a way I could get in contact with you over discord or email. I have been working on a project for a while now and my goal is to bring RSS back to life just by adding the support for graphics mods and optimizing and bug fixes and new objects in our solar system but as I near the end I had an idea to take RSS and turn it into RMWG “Real Milky Way Galaxy ” and anyways the help I need is figuring out how to randomly generate pre determined planets. An example of what I mean is let’s say there’s a star with a planet and that planet is in the Goldilocks zone there’s no real way for us to tell if the planet is barren or just a rock with water or even just a rock or it’s exploding with life so my idea was every time you start a new game with this mod that real life planet would be randomly generated within a certain set of parameters. I hope what I said makes sense lol if it doesn’t I’m really sorry but if you are interested in letting me pick your brain and teaching me the ways please let me know, I have a lot of time as I only go to university and this is my side project will I major in computer science and minor in astronomy and astrophysics.

    sincerely some weird 17 year old from Canada

    My username on discord is just "Sushut"

  3. 1 minute ago, RayneCloud said:

    I set 7 planets and 3 moons, which I thought meant, 7 planets per system max and 3 moons per planet max... and then I thought the min moon and min planets setting set the min for the overall generation of all systems put together?

    Oh i see, the min values are for individual systems just like the max values.

  4. On 1/1/2024 at 11:44 PM, MartinFrost said:

    Great mod, but i'm encountering an issue. Whenever I try to land on a planet, the terrain of the planet doesnt render, and i phase through it, exploding whenever I reach the height the terrain should be, though the debris from my ship keeps falling. Any idea what could potentially casue this?

    Do you have parallax installed? I've had similar issues with planet packs and I honestly cannot ever pinpoint the issue with it. Nevertheless, can you send the KSP logs + Kopernicus Logs in Kerbal Space Program/Logs/Logs-Kopernicus.zip (just send the entire zip file)

    You can either do it on discord to Sushut or send it via google drive


    On 1/3/2024 at 1:31 AM, RayneCloud said:

    Is anyone else having issues with the Min Planets and Min Moons settings not working and throwing out errors?

    Are the min values higher than the max values you set? That usually breaks everything. If not, then I guess I just broke that function... Oops.

  5. On 12/1/2023 at 1:16 PM, DownHereInChile said:

    Could it be possible to just show crafts stored in a determined folder? I make a lot of planes which would be weird to see in space :joy:. Maybe so I can see just the stages of rockets that make it to orbit. Seeing a red convertible in space would also be funny! 

    If I ever feel like working on the mod again then more customization will be one of my first priorities :)

  6. 3 hours ago, Luke Pat said:

    Whenever I generate with planets my game gets last the loading bar at first but when the loading icon with the orbiting planets shows up it gets stuck and rotates very fast. Does anyone know what issue I am dealing with?Whenever I generate with planets my game gets last the loading bar at first but when the loading icon with the orbiting planets shows up it gets stuck and rotates very fast. Does anyone know what issue I am dealing with?

    Common issue, seems to be a different cause every time (if there is a proper cause in the first place). Can't do anything but generate new planets.

    Check for anything that might be interfering with it, like an antivirus, or limited permissions.

  7. 5 hours ago, LucalisIndustries said:

    does it consider the ship size to adjust its position if it is too big?

    I've thought of doing that. It centres it relative to the root part though so as long as the root is on top then it'll be in a relatively fine position. I can try adding it though, to see what happens.

  8. Sushut's Main Menu Mod


    Release 1


    Sushut's Main Menu Mod does one thing, it adds a random craft (either stock or yours) into the main menu!

    My first plugin for KSP (and also my first time *actually* coding in C#)


    How to install:
    1. Download the zip
    2. Open the zip
    3. Copy the folder inside the zip
    4. Paste it into your KSP's GameData
    5. Enjoy!!

    Or just do it through CKAN if you want.


    None! :)


    Works fine with most mods, part mods too.

    Larger craft may clip into the camera... xd...



    Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3507/Sushut's Main Menu Mod

    GitHub: https://github.com/Sushutt/Sushuts-Main-Menu-Mod/releases


    License: MIT

  9. 21 minutes ago, warcrimeswilly said:

    researchbodies compatibility would be awesome! i would love to run an exoplanet program and not actually know what i'm going to find

    That's on the list, also, I made a list for stuff to add so people know what to expect! https://github.com/users/Sushutt/projects/3

    On 10/8/2023 at 2:26 PM, Wincil said:

    Not every interstellar planet pack has this issue though.

    Can I have some examples?

  10. On 7/20/2023 at 6:41 PM, PicoSpace said:

    So I read that the issue with the ocean & scatter is possibly due to wind speed? Apparently the theory is Gilly wind is so fast its causing scatter to go ballistic. I don't know how to fix that though.

    The issue seemed to be with the scatterer version included with volumetric eve, I'm working on a revamp for it! (Also, why didn't I get notified about this comment?)

  11. 9 hours ago, Syczek said:

    Yup,splendid mod,but i would like to have parallax if it is possible.

    Little request if you don't mind ,to yours tool generate ResearchBodies configs ,if it is feasible by this yours wonderfull thing

    I've found some issues with the parallax configs in 0.9.9 so i guess there's that, not much you can do (unless if you know how to use parallax)

    For ReserachBodies, that's definitely on the list!

  12. On 9/14/2023 at 9:47 AM, RenSer said:

    Hi, can somebody help me? My game crashes at the end of loading the main menu. But without Infinite Discoveries( it works well. I tried to run KSP with other mods+Infinite Discoveries and just with Infinite Discoveries but the result is the same (crash at the end of loading).

    I successfully generated star systems (I use 10 stars 7 planets and 3 moons) and deleted folder GenerateSystem. All dependencies installed (Kopernicus 1.12.1-189; Singularity 0.991; ImageMagick (win ver.)).

    Link for log fileshttps://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Z7rd1dE_jD9PsBI5DOG_HQ5oE-zlhafG?usp=sharing

    You don't need to delete the GenerateSystem anymore as of 0.9.9 but remember:
    Don't include the program itself inside KSP, and be aware that more planets = more RAM usage (so the issue might just be not enough RAM)

    On 9/11/2023 at 12:44 PM, Sup3r_Tyl3r said:

    so what do i do, it makes the game unplayable

    you can't do much, just use the ui buttons

  13. 6 hours ago, bigyihsuan said:

    I keep seeing this RedGiantThing object in Distant Object Enhancement and other in-game planet lists. What is it?


    It was an object I used to generate a cache (a cache stores the scaled model for kopernicus bodies)

    The cache is used for red giants so they can look lumpy, it's kinda useless now but it's kinda funny to just leave it in

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