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Everything posted by Sushut

  1. I did a stupid and included a license everywhere but this post, thanks for telling me though! I added the license above the big text saying "DOWNLOADS."
  2. depends what mods you have, do you have any mods that do anything to gilly (edit it, give it particle effects, etc...) if not then you should be fine running the mod with others...
  3. Nah, this mod is a joke, and i didn't want to spend too much time anyway. That's... how i did it... I'm sure there's a way, but I'm not planning on an update soon.
  4. Have you ever wanted to worry about the consequences of jumping just a bit too high? Well here's your answer! This mod does one thing: make Gilly habitable! DEPENDENCIES: Kopernicus Niako's Kopernicus Utilities (included in the mod) SUPPORTED MODS: Environmental Visual Ehancements Scatterer The game had a real bad time when I tried putting the KSC on gilly, so no homeswitch for now. Licensed under the MIT License DOWNLOADS: [snip]
  5. it does, it's just wacky and only heats things up in special occasions Nice! What's your channel? I can't seem to find it
  6. kopernicus expansion's ocean emission doesn't include textures for some dumb reason, so it's either glowing orange juice or regular ketchup KEX plugins on the github page, put the folder named "KopernicusExpansion" into GameData
  7. alright, fixed the SOI also hopefully fixed the asteroid thing
  8. damn, i had no idea OPM had that name Hale sounded so familiar... i'll change it
  9. barely a fraction of a light year also, kerbol won't exist if homeswitch is enabled
  10. Zive System adds one extra star with five planets and a brown dwarf orbiting it. Three planets of which have one or more unique-ish moons! DEPENDENCIES Kopernicus (Yeah, never thought a planet pack would need Kopernicus!) KopernicusExpansion (The mod will not load without it.) Supported Mods Scatterer Environmental Visual Enhancements Homeswitch is optional in this mod! Simply add the folder named ZiveHomeswitch located in the Optional folder to KSP's GameData! There's a weird bug with homeswitch where the SpaceCenter screen is completely black, but the GUI buttons are still visible so gameplay is unaffected. Downloads Main: https://spacedock.info/mod/3191/Zive System Secondary: https://github.com/Sushutt/ZiveSystem Installation Instructions 1. Download ZiveSystem.zip 2. In ZiveSystem.zip\ZiveSystem\Main\GameData, move the ZivezdaSystem folder to your KSP GameData folder. Optional. To install homeswitch, move ZiveHomeswitch in ZiveSystem.zip\ZiveSystem\Optional\GameData to your KSP GameData folder. 3. Install KopernicusExpansion. (In the download page, download the file named "KEX-Plugins.zip") 4. Play the mod. Licensed under MIT License
  11. ok oh my god i have to add entire walls of text now
  12. my previous post disappeared without context anyways i'll check the zip file, maybe i uploaded it "wrong," somehow Nice, the previous post just appeared as i posted this one, I don't know how to delete posts
  13. I've never used ckan and I've never really intended this mod to work on ckan, so I really have no clue what can be happening. Edit: I misread your post, i'll check the zip file right now.
  14. I'm new to Kopernicus, despite that I made this cool little planet (and a moon) to go and explore. It SHOULD work, it worked on my PC... Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/3159/Cool Planet Or Something Source Code (Alternative Download Too): https://github.com/Sushutt/silly-planet/releases/tag/ksp GNU General Public License v3.0 (I'm genuinely not sure where to put licenses but here it is right here (Alright I'm only a bit unsure)) DEPENDENCIES: CTTP (Community Terrain Texture Pack) Kopernicus (Obviously) Supported Visual Mods: Scatterer Environmental Visual Enhancements I also recommend adding TUFX to improve the look of some scatters. Download Instructions: 1. Install the dependencies (CTTP, Kopernicus and it's dependencies) 2. Find the folder exactly named "sillyplanets" and copy it into GameData in your KSP folder. 3. (Optional) Install EVE and Scatterer for clouds.
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