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Everything posted by BobCat

  1. Ahh... this... maybe need use struts... i dont know now.
  2. No any test now. After im finish model, all cfg have been tested Dragon. I hope this for only Mun, Minimus fly
  3. L3 and cover + Block V Block V Block V (remove fairing)
  4. hi, im already have N1 model, but its still need remade for current KSP models level. I hope im make full working version N1-L3 rocket.
  5. Complex L3 (LOK+LK+Block D + Block G) L3 LOK Block D Block G
  6. Now im dont have a lot time , but im still work on new model for Soviet pack. US Shuttle its very big work i think.
  7. Hmm... I think community already have many US shuttle mods.
  8. Yep, new version game dont need MIR ASAS and MIR Probe
  9. im update Soviet pack to beta version. Change texture format to mbm , im hope this fix game launch problem.
  10. If you have new version cleverbobocat plugin, yes.
  11. I have a lot of new ideas, but it takes time to make something really new, then what will be interesting to explore new planets. And in this study should be washed away. Now I'm thinking about working with dense Khetane pack and yes... D.R.O.P. system return soon. That Gen2 DEMV4 , and that already have DROP platform, but me need make many change
  12. in bottom descent capsule. Vostok have Vzor + 3 window. KAO I think srf plugin work no good. Maybe besr way , use external command seat for this place, but im not sure. I have a lot experience in Vostok for KSP , but all possible way work no good. thus and so im say "I cant make good Vostok in current game version" in my thread.
  13. I think you can make better model and texture. Remove reaction wheels and add RSC nozzle to bottom agregatnyi otsek. IMHO need make descent capsule and ejection seat in 2 separate parts. For this
  14. Vostok have not one window... Im have Vostok model... but... KSP have limits... no any chance make good descent sequence. Need good working eject seat. Maybe if use Vanguard plugin.
  15. In Kerbin scale 400km orbit analog its 200-230km orbit. Not need change anything ))
  16. Wow... 177K tris ? Now kerbcity no have polycount limits to every plot?
  17. Ahh..need fix few shadows..fix window color..etc... But I'm happy with the result...what is rare
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