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Everything posted by BobCat

  1. I am pleased to announce some future updates. After a long time thinking about the concepts, data collection, I decided to make some changes to existing projects. First. Im still working on HOME Gen2 pack. This need a lot work now...but still in WIP Second. Im totaly relaunch DEMVs series. Now we have 6 similar DEMVs. My first DEMV1 , big cargo DEMV2 , Experemental 2 wheel DEMV3EX , fast DEMV 4 and DROP platform, small "chekbox" DEMV5 , and non released DEMV6. Its too much rovers ))) In next generation DEMV Gen 2 series content 3-4 rovers pack. 1. DEMV Mk1 . Symbiosis "old gold" DEMV1 and DEMV2. Little smaller DEMV2 but more modular. Now can attach special robocrane arm, living module , lab or inflatable living quartes. 2. DEMV Mk2 . Old RAT and DROP system (and also non released ADROP) in new models, texture and configs 3. DEMV Mk3 . Small deployable rover. Analog DEMV 5 but new features etc. Now All rovers fits to new Jool V fairings and HOME2 dockports. Third. Totaly remake JoolV Launcher and MPSS Nautilus New models and texture for Jool and new parts for MPSS.
  2. I am pleased to announce some future updates. After a long time thinking about the concepts, data collection, I decided to make some changes to existing projects. First. Im still working on HOME Gen2 pack. This need a lot work now...but still in WIP Second. Im totaly relaunch DEMVs series. Now we have 6 similar DEMVs. My first DEMV1 , big cargo DEMV2 , Experemental 2 wheel DEMV3EX , fast DEMV 4 and DROP platform, small "chekbox" DEMV5 , and non released DEMV6. Its too much rovers ))) In next generation DEMV Gen 2 series content 3-4 rovers pack. 1. DEMV Mk1 . Symbiosis "old gold" DEMV1 and DEMV2. Little smaller DEMV2 but more modular. Now can attach special robocrane arm, living module , lab or inflatable living quartes. 2. DEMV Mk2 . Old RAT and DROP system (and also non released ADROP) in new models, texture and configs 3. DEMV Mk3 . Small deployable rover. Analog DEMV 5 but new features etc. Now All rovers fits to new Jool V fairings and HOME2 dockports. Third. Totaly remake JoolV Launcher and MPSS Nautilus New models and texture for Jool and new parts for MPSS.
  3. Add empty gameobject and named "RCSthruster" Y+ axis (green arrow in Unity) its thrust direction.
  4. Looking forward this project. If need any help 2d/3d , PM me.
  5. Im no have time remake all my projects. Devo I have fresh installed win7 64. Im reinstall all , and all dont work (((
  6. i can use non direct FBX converter... but if im use other format file , im need remake ALL projects... this need a lot time. I no have this time... ))). If i cant fix .blend converting to FBX , i cant update or create new addons.
  7. All stop working after Windows reinstall. dae also writting ImportFBX Errors: Couldn't read file
  8. Im read all Unity3d forum thread about this... no any working (Blender 2.63 and Unity 4.0.1f) answer
  9. Im reinstall Unity and Blender many times...
  10. Well, if im need use new file format , im need replace every mesh, every texture... its so long time. If i cant fix that , im stop making addons.... maybe now time "just play" ((
  11. Looked nice Yogui. good cupola model, but need good iva. ))
  12. Now im havve some problem in my PC
  13. Razorcane Sure, not problem. I just wanted to help. (Before im write first question in this thread im have working LRV) Now I just include LRV to American pack. no any problem here.
  14. Im just ask you, Subsequently, you will continue to work on Node 1, or in the future you're not going to update it. I'm not going to throw in the trash until the author supports his creation.
  15. im test more KSP thing and i thin i can make full working LRV to this project (plugins free). But in need know dimension LRV place.
  16. First. Delete all old version Soviet and American pack and ISS , before copy new files. Im change texture format to tga, but if you only copy new version , you have old and new textures...
  17. Not, its no irony. Im still dont know what error spaming your PMA. For what search error 1.5 moths , if make new PMA = 2 day? Im also having critical errors in my projects, but if nobody dont know how fix that need make other. I dont know your bug or error, i dont see Unity project (mesh and texture (yes, yiu sending me) cant content game errors or bugs, only visual). Lol. You seem highly offended. Yes, now we have finished parts for 2 company BobCat ind and Lionheart inc, and your Unity 1 (also need fix). If you dont update Unity 1 , im also remake Unity 1 too, need only 1 day to model and 1 day to interior. Many community modders helping to ISS project , but lost interes to KSP before part finished. That not my problem. Im suggest this project , and if ALL modders leave project , im anyway finished this mod... alone. Like russian says "ßрþúуúðрõúðû ø ÑÂьõñðÃȄÂÑÂ" And also community (users) all time help me to create projects , this one and other. All this lyric... you not answer, you dont fix and update your Unity 1 ?
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