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Everything posted by simplemunrockets

  1. Congratulations! Are you using the 3-man pod? If so, use the 1-man pod. The 3-man parts are in a middle-of-the-road stage, so they\'re pretty unstable.
  2. The most fuel-efficient way is one big burn. The one that\'s easiest on the nerves is a controlled descent.
  3. I hope noone saw that... I hate to tell you that every kerbal in the world saw that. Son of a... I\'m okay!
  4. Back on topic... This seems easy. I will try it soon.
  5. Can I sign up for Kronos base? EDIT: And does it have to be a 3-man pod? EDIT2: I just downloaded the persistence file for practice and this was actually pretty easy.
  6. I use MechJeb, but only for the surface info, Smart A.S.S., and ascent autopilot. And yeah, my first touchdown in .16 was at .8 m/s.
  7. No, I mean the first Kerbal in your game to do that.
  8. I thought it would be a fun idea to see which kerbal was the first to perform [insert task here]. So here you just label achievements, which kerbal was the first to perform them, and the day you did it on. Copy and paste this template: =====1-Man===== Orbit: Successful EVA: Rendezvous: Cis-Lunar EVA: Mun Orbit: Munar EVA: Mun Landing: Mun Landing and Return: Mun Surface EVA: Minmus Orbit: Minmoid EVA: Minmus Landing: Minmus Landing and Return: Minmus Surface EVA: Kerbol Orbit: Kerbol Escape: Sundive: =====3-Man===== Orbit: Successful EVA: Rendezvous: Cis-Lunar EVA: Mun Orbit: Munar EVA: Mun Landing: Mun Landing and Return: Mun Surface EVA: Minmus Orbit: Minmoid EVA: Minmus Landing: Minmus Landing and Return: Minmus Surface EVA: Kerbol Orbit: Kerbol Escape: Sundive: List of Achievements: =====1-Man===== Orbit: Day 1 Jebediah Successful EVA: Day 1 Thompmy Rendezvous: Cis-Lunar EVA: Day 2 Bill Mun Orbit: Day 1 Jebediah Munar EVA: Day 1 Jebediah Mun Landing: Day 2 Bill Mun Landing and Return: Day 2 Bill Mun Surface EVA: Day 2 Bill Minmus Orbit: Day 3 Gregmund Minmoid EVA: Day 3 Gregmund Minmus Landing: Day 3 Gregmund Minmus Landing and Return: Day 3 Gregmund Minmus Surface EVA: Day 3 Gregmund Kerbol Orbit: Day 3 Jebediah Kerbol Escape: Day 3 Jebediah Sundive: =====3-Man===== Orbit: Day 2 Hudlong, Dudny, and Geofbin Successful EVA: Day 2 Hudlong Rendezvous: Day 2 Raydrin, Harbart, Gilrick, Jebediah, Bill, and Bob Cis-Lunar EVA: Day 4 Kelnie Mun Orbit: Day 4 Donnard, Kelnie, and Generim Munar EVA: Day 4 Generim Mun Landing: Mun Landing and Return: Mun Surface EVA: Minmus Orbit: Minmoid EVA: Minmus Landing: Minmus Landing and Return: Minmus Surface EVA: Kerbol Orbit: Kerbol Escape: Sundive: (Munar Landing = Land. Coming back is not required.) (Cis-Lunar = While in a Transfer orbit to one of the moons.) (Successful EVA = EVA and return to the ship. AND NO HOLDING ON TO THE LADDER FOR 5 SECONDS.)
  9. Well, you don\'t want it too high, or else scattered booster stages litter the Space Center.
  10. That was my main problem with my first mun landing attempt. Anyway, welcome to the forums.
  11. I had my first orbital eva earlier today... Me: HOW DO I GET BACK TO THE SHIP AAAAAA
  12. Welcome... to the Twilight Zone. EDIT: WOOT 50th post
  13. There seems to be a lot of sadist humor with the new update. Which I\'m D\'Ling as we speak.
  14. Go into settings.cfg. Change patched_conics_draw_distance to 3. It might not exactly be called that, but find the 2 settings that start with patched_conics and change them to 3.
  15. jimmycarry Bottle Rocketeer Posts: 0 WUT. Anyway, I like mainly Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon, especially MAD. EDIT: Also Top Gear UK. POWEEEEEEEEER!
  16. This is usually how my flights go. Me: This should get me into orbit. *20 minutes later in mun orbit* Me: Well that went better than expected.
  18. I thought I heard one of them say something about ice cream.
  19. Uhh.. Final Fantasy? Anyone who can curl their tongue into a U.
  20. I learned that Jimmy Carter was attacked by a giant rabbit.
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