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  1. I have seen pictures of the broken mun arch and the face on duna. Both look...interesting to say the least, but i've yet to find them myself.
  2. Put a satellite network into orbit between the Mun and Minmus with a great deal of trial and error. Crashed an Ion probe into the Mun testing out the acceleration under time-warp (it's wonderful). Rebuilt a few of my better plane designs from ksp 1 with the lovely procedural wings and paint and flew, enjoying how pretty Kerbin is. Also picked out a number of things that tend to repeatedly cause bugs (at least in my save). Weirdly, a large number of those revolved around the tracking station, which I've just elected to not use for the foreseeable future. Overall I rather enjoyed my time with it today, though it wasn't without hiccups.
  3. If the incredibly niche audience of your teenaged nephews would refuse to play the games strictly because of the tutorials, tell them not to watch the tutorials. Send *them* to Scott since that seems to be what you want to do, don't use them as a straw man to complain about the *optional* tutorials (which so far seem wonderful, btw).
  4. I don't want to get my hopes up that it's ksp2 footage so that I'll still enjoy the videos and not just be disappointed if it's just ksp 1....buuuut something about these missions just feels a little too...mundane, I guess, to be a sort of "Road to KSP 2" type of thing. Probably just me overanalyzing, but ig we'll see tomorrow.
  5. Interestingly, the CPU requirement (for min spec at least) is not as bad as I had feared, given that the first game is almost always cpu bound (in my experience at least). I just wish we had more information about what sort of performance we could expects with min and recommended spec builds.
  6. Well, so much for improved performance on mid-ranged PCs...
  7. If only it hadn't been so dark we couldn't see anything. Good to see, regardless, I suppose. Also, is the explosion casting light on the ground, or is there just an ominous spotlight floating above the pad somewhere?
  8. I'm not super sure yet—and it is always likely to change over time—but rn I'm leaning towards doing different themes depending on what era of tech I'm using—once tech progression gets introduced, obviously. Something like silver/metallic for early-tech, black and white for "modern" tech (basically around where the end of the current tech tree is in ksp 1) and then coloring each ship/mission uniquely for future tech.
  9. I honestly kinda liked the green one better (could be different angles of the same skybox for all I know) but this purple-y one is still really cool imo.
  10. Yes, let’s please move the cloud discussion hear and not have it on the hype train thread! That said, the clouds look fine (not perfect, but fitting well with the style of the game at least) and there’s still plenty of EA time for the devs to change the clouds if there is a ton of public outcry against them. Let’s not pretend that the clouds we are seeing rn are the absolute and only form of clouds we will ever see from the game like ksp 1 didn’t go through mass texture revamps just a couple years ago.
  11. Propulsion (and other stuff) for sure has obvious overlap between Nertea’s work and what the devs were planning, but part of me does wonder if certain things like hinged fairings would’ve still been in the game had they not hired him. I guess that might depend on just how much influence he has over what parts get made, so idk.
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